Back to Mystic Falls

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Back on the road to the Salvatore school Jeremy drives Raf and Landon back after tracking them into the woods after getting caught by a werewolf hunter, which is bad for newbies. One the right there and calls Bekah

" Hey Bekah "

" Jer how'd it go? "

" Fine just a new werewolf and his friend sucking at staying safe "

" Oh so nothing wrong "

" If you don't count that one of them has pissed off hope "

" Oh no what did you tell him "

" Just the daily my wife is an original and I'm a hunter/vampire and the usual threat of don't hurt hope and you'll be running "

" Jer ok you didn't hurt him did you "

" Only in the sense of fear "

" Ok come home quick "

" Bekah i will be as fast as I can "

" Love You "

" As do I "

Jeremy need the call as they continue back to Mystic Falls and the Salvatore School. As Landon And Raf are in the back.

" Why did you threaten me, Hope hates me she tried to kill me "

" Well Landon I imagine you either took something or disobeyed her trust so she had a reason to be angry "

" but she doesn't even like me "

( laughs ) " Oh Please "

" Answer me this why would she love me if she hates me "

" Ok fine heres a story I am her uncle right? "

" yes I think "

" Yes I'm married to her aunt "

" yes "

" she killed my sister and i about killed her brother "

" So how did she love you "

" We had a common thing being the young sibling being used by our eldest siblings scheme or plan "

" so how did you forgive her "

" Well she didn't kill her she became a vampire but she killed her to protect every vampire ever, Alaric was a victim and tried to kill Klaus Mikaelson "

" You mean Hopes father "

" Yes so she killed elena to kill Alaric to protect all vampires "

" Doesn't Ric hated Klaus "

" Oh yes he was possessed by Klaus. "

" So how does he feel about you married to and Original "

" To be honest he was concerned and not sure but he understood we both loved each other and understood we would protect each other "

" and your sister ? "

" She never agreed, and Rebekah doesn't like her "

" Why "

" Well back she didn't give a chance to trust her and daggered her "

" Why "

" To make some trade with Klaus "

" So did she "

" No i got her out "

" Why "

" She deserved someone who loved her not because of what she is but who she is, yes she did some bad things they all did but they did things to survive she just wanted someone to love her the way she is and i saw her as a person.

Uncle JerWhere stories live. Discover now