Back in New Orleans

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 Ok so yesterday was the 2 year anniversary of The end of the Originals. Although i havent stated watching it the Mikaelsons are the best part of this story so as we we say Always and Forever the Motto of the Mikaelson family. 

So as Jeremy was arriving he told Rebekah he was almost there 

" So Bekah I'm about here "

" Cant wait to hear about it "

Jeremy hangs up as he arrives to the Mikaelson mansion or home and as he does Rebekah comes out as she heard jim and hugged him and kissed him 

" Ive missed you "

" I know, i missed you Bekah "

Now its time for our MIkaelson family dinner with Kol Freya Bekah and Jeremy. Jeremy comes in and gets welcomed by Kol 

" Did you tell her i said hi "

" Yeah i said your favorite uncle said hi "

" But she has two of them "

( as Freya walks in )

" He's i know that "

" Welcome back "

" Good to be back "

" So i heard you told her about your sister "

" Bekah told you "

" Aye she did "

" How'd it go "

" Surprisingly not as bad as i expected "

" So wheres Davina and Keelina 

" Well my loving Davina is at taking care of your daughter and i imagine Keelina is taking care of hers "

" Well when see her tell i said thanks "

" That i will "

" Now can we have our Bloody dinner now "

" It seems Bekahs hungry " 

" I say lets get it set "

" Just one question what about Caroline "

" What do you mean "

" She's family and what happens when she finds out "

" Well she's busy and well discuss when she finds out "

" Ok Lets eat "

" yeah its been a rough few months since "

" that it has but as always were family "

" Lets not forget the addition "

" Oh right Jeremy gilbert "

" Yes "

" You are truly the right person for our darling little sister "

" I couldn't agree more "

" I appreciate it "

" Can we ear now "

" Yes we may "

" Always and forever " ( together )

They eat and then discuss what happened when he was there 

" So Hope has a boy who hurt him what did you say to him "

" What most of us would have "

" True "

" So how is she doing "

" Freya she's still processing like we all are "

" yeah "

" So how is the School its pretty fine Alaric i think was the best option "

" yeah i imagine he always was good at teaching kids look how you turned up "

" yeah he helped a lot "

" But your human and understanding you already had nothing changed before or after him even after becoming a hunter "

" True i didnt want to any vampire "

" So when you turned all that was heightened so you became more understanding "

" Goodnight Kol freya "

" Goodnight Jeremy little sister "

After that they went to their house and talked 

" so how did hope seem she seemed well given what happened "

" She lost her father mother and uncle i expected to be a bit harder "

" I know she trying to put on a face i would know "

" Yeah you lost that much but and aunt "

" Yeah but the twas my brother "

" it was a different tome "

" I don't understand how you count forgive or understand and be younger "

" IM just more understanding "

" Thats why i love you so much "

( Rebekah Kisses him )

" Now the biggest question is what to name her "

" Thats the question isn't it she's going to be a MIkaelson "

" Why "

" Thats the family isn't it "

" I Love you some much "

" I love you bekah "

" What about her middle name "

" Definitely not Ester "

" Oh you know "

" Your mother was awful for trying to kill you  all "

" Yeah not the best mother out there " 

" Yeah i guess every family has its flaws "

" Sow act should we name her middle or first 

" Henrietta "

" Why that "

" Named after your late brother Henrik "

" I Love you so much "

" Is that middle name or first "

" Its yet to be decided "

" Ok lets get three name or four to choose form "

" Ok "

" Finn "

" Definitely not "

" Yeah bad choice my bad "

" its fine "

" Elisha  for Elijah "

" I love it that your trying to keep the memories or some sense alive "

" Always and forever Bekah "

( They hug and kiss )

Do you like the idea of having Henrik or Elijah represented in their name or one middle one first which do you like if none then ,et me know what names could fit a mikaelseon remember their names are usually hebrew Old English or Scandinavian.They live in like 1200-1300 so it would be old Nordic so Scandinavian like elijah is hebrew Freya was scandanvian and Old Norse  and Hope was Old english for examples form each origin. There are some who are unique that still fit like Finn is irish. Niklaus is Old Greek so there are some who are different than the others but most of them are those three because all the Mikaelsons are mostly those three.

Like i said at the Top happy 2 year anniversary of the finale of the Originals as of yesterday even tho its never happy when a show end no matter how it ends. I haven't started watching it which I'm going to either when i finish TVD or when the Mikaelsons leave and go to New orleans its never soon because they start during either season 6 or mid of season 5. So I've heard that The Originals is much better than TVD and I'm watching it to better understand Legacies because i can it bit not quite and after i like the mIkaselsons a lot. I better understand them As a family.

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