Mystic Falls Alumni

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This follows 104 just so you know and a little Hope and Jeremy Duo, everything that happened in Legacies happens as it should with a dialogue difference and changes.

After Matt Comes in and explains what is happening they put a group to go to the Mystic Falls high as students to go undercover ( the people who volunteered in 104 are the same )

" So You went to Mystic Falls "

( Matt and Jeremy Laugh )

" Not only that Ric was our teacher '

( Hope turns to Ric )

" Wait for real "

" Yes and i believe I taught History "

" That you did "

" How long has it been ? "

" Well Hope its been awhile feels like forever "

" So this your Niece ? "

" Klaus' father right "

" yep "

" So rebekah's Niece as well "

" You Knew my Father "

" Oh not only that we've met his entire Family "

" You met my entire Family "

" Yeah you can how they were perceived "

" Im guessing not well "

( they look at each other )

" Thats an understatement "

" So speaking of hating your family "

" Don't bring that up I'm not ready to deal with her yet "

( Hope confused )

" Who is she"

" Ill discuss it later just not now get ready to got Mystic Falls "

" Ok "

( Matt and Jeremy discuss " Her " )

" So which one were you referring to Caroline and your Sister "

" My sister who didn't come to my wedding when most did "

" What about Caroline though, you know she's going to find out "

" I know Matt, I know but when she finds out is the thing I'm the most afraid of "

" That what her father gave her a dress who became Miss Mystic Falls "

" Yes and That she was the only person Klaus truly loved, we both know it that Caroline was the only one to see Klaus as an actual person and Klaus truly lived her "

" Yes but she going to figure it out at some point or another either someone else to her family "

" Yeah i know but when she finds out well figure it out "

" So how Rebekah and all "

" well she's fine and we have a daughter "

" Does still want to become human "

" Oh about that theres something i should tell you "

" What happened "

" Well you know I'm a hunter and all "

" Yes what did you do "

" Nothing exactly "

" then why are you mentioning your a hunter "

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