The Kol and Davina convo

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So this time Kol and Davina are going to talk to him before they make the decision if they can trust him again. Will they or wont well just see

So Davina and Kol come down wondering whats happening and they explain what has happened. Kol was not happy as you can imagine.

" He did what "

" Kol its fine "

" Freya he said that to his sister about Klaus, which was a long time anyway, but still hurts."

" Kol calm down "

" Sorry little sister im going to talk to him "

" Control yourself tho "

" dont worry "

Kol walks in to Where Marcel is still tied up "

" Oh i see they brought they crazy one "

" Yeah thankfully im reformed "

" Oh goody "

" You hurt my dear sisters feelings "

" So what  thought we were past this "

" You still have two to talk to "

" Ah i see "

" Why would you say those things from Klaus "

" Well because i thought she fell in love with the wrong person, a hunter "

" So what if he is, hes the only person whos truly never hurt or betrayed her, well except getting killed by Silas "

" Yeah he told me about that "

" So shes loved him awhile huh "

" Oh yeah while some were attacking his sister "

" Why the Petrova "

" Yep "

" Yikes "

" I know he couldve killed me but chose not to "

" Why "

" Well because he didnt have to "

Kol leaning up against the wall 

" So you you and Davina how'd that happen "

" Well you'd be surprised "

" Ok spill " 

" I would but im still curious if your playing me "

" Jeremy didnt "

" Oh no he does, he just is understanding but still doesnt trust you and was able to control anger"

" I see very well"

" I mean hunter instinct must've helped him "

" I bet "

" So why say it, huh "

" Idk to hurt her i guess "

" so you said something to hurt her, whats wrong with you, if you wanted her backs a bloody way of doing it "

" Yeah i guess so "

" Well mate you know shes not going to trust you for awhile '

"Really "

" Did you honestly expect her to trust you after what you did "

" I guesss not "

" you  guess "

" Yeah "

Kol sits next to him 

" In my opinion you never fit with my little sister "

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