Tracking down Raf and Landon

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As Jeremy drives out of New Orleans to Mystic Falls he was thinking about his Family, Bekah and how they met all those years ago and how times have changed over the years, and how bonded. Imagine her finding another hunter but actually loves her and doesn't care she's a vampire. He loves her for her not what she is.

( FYI how he finds them plays out the same except extra dialogue )

He arrives in Mystic Falls and arrives and calls Ric

"Ric I'm hear where would they be "

"They shouldn't be far they didn't leave too long ago "

"  where do you imagine they would go "

" On the road, back home they're teens "

" Ill start out of town '

"ok see ya "

"Ill checks back when i get them

sees them chained

" What an idiot "

shoots the werewolf hunter with the crossbow

shoots the werewolf hunter with the crossbow

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Raf and Landon start waking up

( struggles to get out of chains, between raf and landon )

" Raf "

" Lan, you ok "

" I don't think either of us are "

" better off than him "

Raf points his head towards

Jeremy comes in

( they shuggle to get out again )

" Relax both of you, Im not here to hurt you "

" Who are you "

" Your new best friend "

" Who's that " ( Landon points to werewolf hunter )

( while cutting chains ) " Werewolf hunter "

" Is that really a thing "

" Your new to this and you probably think that being supernatural gives you the upper hand it doesn't, this world is a scary place for someone like you, especially when you're dumb enough to use your powers in public

" Oh you go around saving new werewolves or what "

" Names Jeremy Ive known Alaric since I was a kid and now I work for him sometimes, he told me to track you and make sure you stay out of trouble, which apparently you suck at, and that note, that was supposed to scare you to safety. "

" Note ? "

( Landon gives him note )

" Im gonna go grab the shovels, once we bury the body Ill bring you both back to school "

( Landon and Raf has their conversation )

They Bury the body

" Landon can you come here for a sec "

" sure whats up "

" Ive noticed you've angered Hope Mikaelsson "

" Yeah what about it "

" Im her uncle and married to her and Original vampire her aunt and I'm a vampire/ hunter so id be careful how much you hurt ok i would test her or her family got it "

" yeah i got it "

" good thing you understand, now lets get to The school "

Jeremy drives them back to school, the Salvatore boarding school, thinks that its been awhile since he's been here. He's excited to see his niece hope that he hasn't seen in awhile since she was in New Orleans and an unfortunate decrees in her/our family. He wished Bekah could come but it wasn't necessary to come since it was going to be a quick trip to track and bring back and have some time with Hope and t

still looking for a name for Rebekah and Jeremys daughters name any help would be helpful hebrew or scandanavian like where the Mikaelsson were born.

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