Idk ill think of a title later

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Why? Why specifically him? Sure he was good at it and I could possibly learn more from him, there wasn't anything else more to it.. right?

Bakugo kept staring at me for a while as I thought what else to add on, what was going on in his head?
"Ha, just forget what I said after that..." shit it was awkward. Bakugo scoffed and got up from his seat, was he pissed off? What pissed him off- who knows at this point, he could be pissed off at a speck of dirt just getting in his face. Just hope that he won't ask me again later, since I wouldn't know a answer for it right away..
"Come on, don't you wanna train? Or what? Just to hang out? Because if you are, just leave." Jeez harsh, he didn't need to put it like that. "Oh, yeah. I was just waiting for you to be prepared or something-" Bakugo glared at me for some reason, but get simply got up from his chair and headed out of his room. I sat there feeling kinda stupid after that small conversation for some reason- "come on, you coming or not?" He said before leaving his room, I took a deep breath before leaving his room too. I kinda lost him but he ended up heading to his backyard to train a bit and to get some air.

-After a few hours of training-

I was exhausted, I never would wanna train with bakugo again. He yelled at me for everything I did wrong, again that was his "job" but still, who would like to get yelled at everything you did wrong? Even if it's something little- anyways but since training was done for the rest of the day I decided to head to his room and started getting my things.

It wasn't long before I finished getting my stuff while heading out, I did say thanks to bakugo for giving his time to teach me a bit today. I was getting stronger, bit by bit, would it be too much of a stretch to say that if I keep this up I would be able to beat bakugo? Maybe- but I'll make sure to beat him eventually, even if it takes years.

-Next day-

Normal routine, just getting up, brushing my teeth, yada same old same old. Nothing new, heading to UA and waving to my classmates and people I've never seen in the school but attended it. Speaking of random people I don't know who attended UA, there was a another hero class too, right? Maybe we would spar with them eventually? I'm not sure what that will happen, since we did just start so we all are just getting used to our classes.

Just heading in the school, I saw this purple haired dude who was just walking by to get to his class, he looked hella sleep deprived. How many hours does that guy get? Whoever he is I hope he gets more sleep. Anyways heading to my class, 1-A. Sometimes this class can be a hassle but it's fun, with all their random things going on. I grabbed the handle to the door to open the door, just to be greeted by someone's chest. I didn't see who it was, but holy heck their chest was hard, my forehead hurts slightly after that. I put my hand on my forehead and rub it slightly to make it feel better and hope there wasn't a bruise on there (which was unlikely but just making sure-) as I was rubbing my forehead I looked up to see who I bumped into and saw. "Oi, watch where you are going." Damnit. Of course I had to run into him. "Ah, sorry. I didn't mean to" Bakugo scoffed and just shoved me aside. Damn someone had really bad anger issues. If it was me bumping into him or something else I didn't wanna get involved into it further. Striving by the few desks to reach to mine, waving to Midoriya and Iida who seemed to be talking about some hero stuff, Denki Kaminari who looked like who fried his brain while Jirou was trying her best not to laugh out loud at Denki. I was watching those two for a but then started spacing out, what was going to happen this time, what are we doing for class. Just questions about what we will be doing in class ran though my head, it was shortly interrupted by Kirishima. "Yo! I heard you went over to bakugo's house for training. How was it?" I have a light sigh then gave a response. "As much it was useful, I wouldn't wanna train with him again. He kept yelling at me for every little thing I did wrong, which is what he supposed to do but he doesn't have to yell at me." Kirishima gave a light pat on my shoulder, probably feeling a bit sorry that I had to go though that. "Man, sorry to hear that. But maybe if you keep this up and maybe do a bit private training on your own. You could beat bakugo as payback for a rough time." That didn't sound too bad of a idea, a bit overboard but it would be satisfying to see his face once he was defeated by me once again. Just thinking about it brings a slight smile to my face. As I was just in my own thoughts, Kirishima was a bit confused about why I was smiling but didn't pay too much mind to it.

It wasn't long before Bakugo came back from whatever he was doing, as some people we still heading to classes. The bell rang a few minutes after, Aizawa came in shortly after the bell rang. Walking and then standing in front of the class as everyone sat at their own desks. "*Ahem* well, today we will be sparring with class 1-B." Wait what, did I hear that right? Class 1-B? Is that the other hero class? Who am I kidding, it is. I internally gave myself a smack in the face feeling a bit stupid after that question I asked myself. "Alright, we will head to the gym shortly. Please have your gym outfits on." Aizawa looked like he would fall asleep any second now. After announcing a few more things he went into that sleeping bag of his and sleep for the little time he had left before heading to the gym.

Okay so— I said I might not continue this but I'm kinda 50/50 about it.... I was reading back on it and I was (sobbing) because my writing was so bad 😭 anyways again I'm still 50/50 on continuing this so for now I'll update this whenever I have a idea (because it literally takes me all my brain power to just get through school :,))) but yeah, I think I'll just roll for that for now, so maybe more if I think of anything but just be patient if you are looking forward to future updates.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 19, 2021 ⏰

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