His house

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I was walking down the streets since bakugo didn't want to take a bus there but its whatever.. So of the students from U.A were walking the same way where bakugo and I were, they glared at us but looked away as soon bakugo looked at them.

Bakugo: "Damn extras always looking at me. They better see me a the top of the school" He says under his breath.

Why did I want him to start to help me... I could just search up ways online or something... But he seemed somewhat wanting me to train with him. Huh I guess I shouldn't think too much of it. I should be just happy that he even helped me at all.

Bakugo: "Hey extra we are at my place."

"huh?" I looked up, HOLY I didn't expect his place to be this big?!

Bakugo: "What are you just standing there for, Hurry it up before I leave you outside." He said that while unlocking his hose door and heading inside.

"U-uhm i'm coming!" I started walking behind him.

Bakugo: "OLD HAG IM HOME!" Bakugo yelling seemed like my ear drums were going to burst. I really wanted to tell him to shut up, but knowing that I would get my ass whooped is a no go for me.

"KATSUKI WHAT DID I SAY ABOUT CALLING ME THAT!" I think that was his mother...I have no clue if he had any siblings. Oh gezz imagine he had siblings.. I wouldn't want a part of that.

Soon after that I saw his mother walking down the stairs. She looked like she was going to give bakugo a lecture but she saw me. Oh gezz the pressure her normal glare left me in a cold sweat already.

"Katsuki who is this? Are they you significant other?" She said teasingly. I was shocked with her reply of who I am but I didn't question it, I looked at bakugo to see how he would respond. I saw a hint of blush on him before he said anything.

Bakugo: "YOU! *sigh* Im just traing them."

"Traning them? Since when did you become nice enough to train anyone."



Oh me GERSH (yesh I know its not engish)

2K? I thank you so much (insert emoji) BUT Thank you so much! I really hope you like my stories! ALSO
Im sorry for having this ending it short, I have other stories to write too ;-;
Stay safe and healthy! :)

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