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Bakugo said I start training with him on Saturday this weekend but where..? He never said where to meet up.. Oh well I guess ill talk to him another time. Currently I need to switch out of these gym clothing and get back to class.

Gathering back to class, only a few people got back. It was mainly the girls and Bakugo. Wait Bakugo!

"Uhm Bakugo, About Saturday uhm.. where do we meet up?"

Bakugo: " Tch. At my place duh."

"Geez no need to put it like that.. plus I have no idea where you live.."

Bakugo grabs a slip of paper and a pen. He starts to write on the paper and hands it to me. I looked at it with his sligtly sloppy handwritting, It seem to be his address..?

Bakugo: "Its my address dumbass. Dont look at it like you never seen a address."

"Geez.. Someone is mad"

Bakugo: " Oh shut it! We can fight again?! And I will win this time!!"

Kaminari and Kirishima came into the classroom at the right time.

Kirishima: " Bakubro! We just got done with training, stop picking fights with everyone!"

Bakugo: "You wanna go too shitty hair!? Ill take you both on!"

Oh geez what did I get myself into.. I can't decide if I dont wanna go or..

Aizawa: " Everyone sit in your seats."

Everyone rushed to their desks, and sat and listened through his lesson. During his lesson I caught bakugo looking at me.. which was weird. Should I talk about it to him..?

After his class, the class got to hangout for a few minuets before school ended. Kirishima and Kaminari were having fin bulling Bakugo for his anger issues. I wanted to join but I had classwork, and I wanted to finish it before I got home. So I can do whatever I want at home.

In the middle of my classwork Bakugo came up to me, Not going to lie I was kinda scared.. I don't know what I did but I know I was dead. I looked up to him and asked

"U-uhm you need something bakugo..?"

Bakugo: " Lets do training today."


Dang all my plans I had were all canceled... I wanted to finish the last slice of pizza before anyone got to it.... and I wanted finish my own training that i didn't do from the other night..

Bakugo: " I'll be waiting at the front of the school. Dont even think of skipping it."


I was a bit sad but it was expected I guess. I did want him to train me... Once the bell rang everyone left, I was still gathering my stuff. But I wasn't too far behind, I when to change my shoes.  Once I was done with that I saw Bakugo staning at the front of the school waiting.

"Hey Bakugo."

Bakugo: " Took you long enough, Now lets go."


Going to Bakugo's house..? I wonder how his house looks like.. is it big or?     

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