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Metroman said.

"Okay let's get me a date with Minion!"
Megamind spoke while smirking.

Metroman screamed.

Megamind screamed louder.

They took turns screaming yeah at eachother for about 29 minutes.

"Ok let's go."
Metroman said blankly.

"To the library!"
Megamind responded, fiddling his watch.

"Let's go read some words kids!"
Metroman spoke excitedly, checking his hair out in the mirror.

At the library they asked librarian where the books on how to get a date with an evil fish were, and the librarian said they were by the 'Fantasy For Teens Books' section.

After reading every single book in the section they came up with a plan.

Megamind x Minion (Or Megamind x Metroman)Where stories live. Discover now