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Megamind looks up at Minion and asks why do you do this to me all we just re living the past. Minion lowers the love ray and looks Megamind in the eyes and tells him he has no other choice. Megamind looking at Minion in the eyes accepting his fate. Then all of a sudden Metroman comings flying in round house kicking  Minion in the face, well looking  cool. Metroman lands on the ground effortlessly holding his hand out to Megamind. Megamind grabs his and and they fly off just in time before Minion starts to pick up the ray gun and point it at them. Minion missed the shot and Metroman  and Megamind go to the down town city away from Minion. When all of a sudden  they see Roxanne  walking  up to them holding  hands with a girl named Barbara. Megamind jaw drops to the floor out of shock. Roxanne  intrudes her new girlfriend. Metroman looks at Megamind  in complete shock. Then out of nowhere Minion comes flying  in to interrupt  the conversation, Minion dosen't  want to share Megamind anymore. Metroman starts to yell at Minion.

Megamind x Minion (Or Megamind x Metroman)Where stories live. Discover now