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Said Meteroman, "I really thought you could love me". I am sorry said Megamid." I really wanted to change but I dont feel the same anymore".
Megamind said with a small tear running  down his check. Metroman flew away as he said "Byeeeeeeeee". Megamind went to Minion's grave to tell Minion everything.Megamind knew what he had to do. He need to get Metroman back. Megamind flew to Metromans apartment. Megamind broke down the door and saw Metroman with with Minion. Megamind was stunned he walked up to Minion and slapped him across the face. "I hate you" said Megamind you betrayed me.

Megamind x Minion (Or Megamind x Metroman)Where stories live. Discover now