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Roxanne now re thinking  her whole life choices as she dose not know what to do. Megamind  and Minion  and Metroman  have been telling each other  pick up lines for the last 5 hours. All Roxanne  can think about is how she is going to get her self out of this mess and back to Barbra. Meanwhile Megamind  and Minion  wont stop looking at amongst pick up lines to tell to Metroman  later. Roxanne runs out the door hoping  that they won't notice  she is gone. Roxanne doesn't  know how she is going to explain the mess to Barbra knowing that Roxanne  never searches up pick up lines. Roxanne rushes home and bust through the door all see Barbra lying on the couch wearing a dragon onesies with a rose between  her teeth. She spits out the rose and stands up to tell roxanne "are you lighting because you ma QUEEN!"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2023 ⏰

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