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"Minion?" Roxanne asks, as he gets closer to the group.

"No. Minion is really dead." The figure steps out of the shadows, revealing the Warden.

"But I thought you died after Hal- or the Tighten- set bombs off  in the prison?" Megamind finally says, noticing a watch identical to his on the Warden's wrist.

"Minion and I have been friends since you walked out on him to go on a date with Roxanne." He explains.

"He made copies of your watch, and so we switched identities before you fought Tighten." The Warden sighs, using the watch to change into Minion. "That's why I didn't die when you shot me."

Megamind x Minion (Or Megamind x Metroman)Where stories live. Discover now