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Megamind stared in shock. Yes, he was fighting Minion for Metroman's love, but he wasn't actually expecting to kill him. "NOOOOOOOOO!" screamed a familiar voice. It was....Metroman. He flew over to Minion's body. Megamind was now in even more in shock. "WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?!" yelled Metroman as he got closer to Megamind. Megamind didn't know how to react. "Why...why did you do this?" asked Metroman. "I-I just wanted to you to love me." mumbled Megamind. "And you thought this was to the way to do it?" said Metroman in a defeated tone. "I thought you changed, but I guess you're just the same, a villain."

Megamind x Minion (Or Megamind x Metroman)Where stories live. Discover now