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Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

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''Thank you!'' Laura called into the cab just before she shut the door with the back of her foot.

The cab drove off and she found herself standing on the pavement not far off from the beautiful greenhouse, which she could glimpse behind some buildings. Her heavy equipment bag was pulling down on her shoulder but she couldn't fix it as she was also carrying a big box in her hands. She gave in to the misery and crossed the street in her comfortable shoes to arrive at the venue of the wedding. Heels were off-limits when she had to work at a wedding since photography included a lot of running around. But she still dressed for the occasion in a beautiful floral dress that reached almost to the floor and was not too light in colour so it wouldn't appear white.

The greenhouse looked absolutely beautiful in the midday sun as the rays reflected off of the glass panels, exposing all the greenery inside of it. People were going in and out of the place, carrying enormous stacks of plates or trays full of champagne glasses. A few people were dressed very nicely and standing around, chatting to each other. Laura guessed they must be early guests here. Considering how much preparation went into this and how big the greenhouse was there must be a lot of people invited to it. There was a hotel near the greenhouse, where the guests would sleep over and where it also looked like the bride and groom were getting ready. Laura had no other choice but to walk there because she needed to catch a glimpse of either of them before the ceremony started.

A guy with sunglasses in a completely black suit was positioned in front of the hotel doors. Laura didn't mind much for him when a hand shot out in front of her, blocking her way. ''Excuse me, Miss, the hotel is off-limits for ordinary guests until the ceremony.''

Laura widened her eyes because he scared her a bit with the way he spoke. ''Oh, I'm a photographer, I need to see the couple before the ceremony.''

Due to the sunglasses of the apparent bodyguard, she couldn't detect his expression or if he was even watching her or not. Alas, he still didn't remove the arm that was blocking her way. ''There was no mention of a photographer. You can't go in. Bride's orders.''

Laura held a scoff within herself as she nearly glared at the guard. ''I was only hired a few days ago and due to the busy schedules, I didn't have the opportunity to discuss details with them. It's their wedding, photos are important and we wouldn't want to all go haywire.''

''I'm sorry, I can't let you in, Miss.'' The guard shook his head.

Now Laura really did glare at him. ''But –''


Laura snapped her head to the door, her eyebrows high on her forehead. It was the voice she thought she'll never hear again, the voice she admittedly longed to hear for over a month. Ben stood there, one hand on the door holding it open as his curious eyes observed Laura. Since she last saw him he changed in a few aspects. Possibly it was also for the sake of the wedding but she still couldn't stop her eyes from wandering across his figure. He had a shorter and styled beard, his black hair neatly slicked back and sides shaved. He had on a white dress shirt with no tie and classic dark grey slacks with polished shoes.

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