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Laura chuckled lowly and turned her head to the right. Ben looked at her and smiled. His arm reached across her waist and he pulled her closer to him. The bed covers were all jumbled by their feet since they were moving so much on the bed. Laura reached for them and covered their naked bodies with the thin sheets. She laid her head on her pillow as Ben stayed propped up by his elbow, looking down at her with an honest smile.

''What?'' Laura asked.

''Just admiring.'' Ben winked.

It made Laura chuckle and close her eyes. She looked back at him, biting her lip. His hand was nestled on her waist underneath the sheets, drawing small circles with his thumb. ''How are you feeling?''

Laura's lips quirked up at the question, she took a deep breath and let out a delighted sigh. ''Good. How are you feeling?''

Ben grinned. ''Indescribable.''

Laura chuckled at his word choice again.

''I have a question for you.'' Ben stopped with his motions on Laura's hip.

She quirked up an eyebrow. ''Uh oh. Should I be scared?''

Ben laughed. ''If you're going to answer with honesty then maybe you should be a little scared.''

Laura gasped jokingly. Her act didn't last long before she broke out into a smile. ''Well, considering what we just did I think honesty is a given now. So only honest answers from now on. At least that way I'll know in the future if you're a terrible liar.''

''Do you think I'm a terrible liar?''

''Everyone has a tell.'' Laura squinted her eyes. ''I just haven't known you long enough to figure it out. But you do that thing where you take a few seconds before answering something. I wonder if you're thinking whether to answer honestly or not.''

Ben's jaw dropped. He poked at her side, making her giggle as she was very ticklish on that exact spot. ''Shut up. You don't know anything.'' Laura only shrugged her shoulders and waited for his question. ''Who was that guy out there?''

And then finally her smile dropped almost completely. She turned her body so her back was flat on the bed and looked up at the ceiling. Ben scooted even closer to her, his hand never leaving her body. ''Remember. You said honesty.''

Laura pursed her lips and flicked his arm with her finger for mocking her. ''That was Calvin. My ex-boyfriend.''

Ben took a couple of seconds to process that information. ''As in the ex-boyfriend? The one you talked about that day on the beach?''

''That very same one, yes. I haven't seen him in a very long time so he took me quite by surprise showing up there.''

''I noticed.'' Ben squeezed her waist, making Laura chuckle again. She moved her eyes away from the ceiling and connected them with Ben's dark ones. ''What was he doing at the wedding?''

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