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If you haven't checked out Bloodlines, the original novel please do! This is a sequel for that book, it's only 25 chapters long and approximately 55,000 words.

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However if you still want to skip it and read this one, here is a recap!
Sylvia Trellom is a hunter, a special kind of human that is strong enough and fast enough to take down all things mystical and supernatural. There are only five families of hunters left, all combining together as the Hunter Sigil.
After Sylvia's family was killed ten years ago by the vampire hoard, Sylvia has been roaming the land of Ammertia alone. Taking odd jobs here and there just to survive. This all changes when Sylvia runs into Darian, her best friend from her youth and another Hunter.
Together they team up to go on a grand adventure. They run into the mysterious elves, whom Sylvia develops a romantic interest with the non-binary elven prince Aliyah, who decides to tag along and learn more about the human world.
They also meet a wizard named Dirella. Powerful, wise, and beautiful to boot, the wizard guides them on their journey north where they face the vicious vampire hoard that destroyed Sylvia's family so many years ago.
To her surprise, however, the vampires didn't kill her whole family. They turned her brother, Anthony, into one of them. After infiltrating the vampire hoard, the group defeated the leader of the vampires, Ava. They escaped with the Orb of Destiny, which foretold of an enemy far to the south invading Ammertia, an enemy Dirella knows all too well.
With Ava defeated, Anthony took over the vampire hoard and plans to exact his revenge on everyone who betrayed him and his family.

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