Chapter 17: Prophecy Untold

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"Not this, anything but this," Sylvia croaked out as Anthony tightened his grip on her neck.

"Then again, you were always second best," he grinned, revealing two fangs peeking out of the bottom of his lip. He licked his teeth in anticipation, his pale face matching the white background of the snow.

Sylvia felt her heart in her throat as she was forced once again to look at her brother. At the eyes that would never again be green like hers, skin that would never blush red after eating a spicy meal. A heart that would never again beat or feel love.

That was her brother.

With all this failure in your past, how can you expect anything different for your future?

"I can save him," her voice had returned to normal now, and glancing down Sylvia could see her adult body had also been returned to her. She breathed a momentary sigh of relief before returning to a stressed disposition.

The scene disappeared around her again, however Tony stayed, his deep red eyes fixed to hers as the scenery changed. Instead of snow, Sylvia now found herself at the top of a decrepit tower.

She could hear screams around her, and smelt burning. The tower she was in was falling apart as if something huge had collided with it, parts of brick and rubble lying in tatters around her. It was also hot, very hot as Sylvia saw flames licking the side of the tower.

"I told you," Tony said, his hand still firmly around Sylvia's neck. Sylvia grabbed his arm, her hands flailing wildly to try and break his hold. But he was too strong.

"How are you gonna save me, when you can't even save yourself?" He laughed then, a maniacal laughter that shook his entire body. Yet, his hand stayed strong despite Sylvia's best efforts to break free.

Sylvia brought her foot up, planting a kick square in the centre of Tony's chest. He barely moved from the impact, however his attention was now back on her, expression that of rage.

With a mighty cry, Tony flung Sylvia off the side of the tower. She fell, headfirst into the flames...

Only to reappear at the top of the tower. Patting herself down, Sylvia assured herself she was very much still alive. But so was Tony.

"Anthony, please," she begged, hands outstretched towards her brother.

"I told you, it's just Tony now," Tony hissed, rushing towards Sylvia in a hurry. He lunged for her, Sylvia barely able to roll out of the way. But it was a futile fight, Sylvia dodging more than attacking.

Finally, Tony got the better of her. He grappled around behind her, pinning her arm to her back. Panting, Tony cackled as Sylvia squirmed in pain. Then, he bared his fangs before sinking them deep into her neck. He drank long and deep, and Sylvia felt the life force draining from her.

Before she reappeared again at the top of the tower.

"That's enough!" She cried out to the mysterious voice. She felt a heavy sob escape her throat, the confusion and pain becoming too much for her.

You cannot save him, and you cannot defeat him. Not as you are now.

Again and again Sylvia reappeared at the top of the tower. Again and again Tony would kill her. Every time it was different, but the outcome was always the same.

At some point, Sylvia just stopped trying. She accepted her fate. That she would be doomed to face eternity in this hellish nightmare, to fight her brother and never win.

So, you just give up? The fate of the world and you just give up...

The voice sounded sad, disappointed even. This infuriated Sylvia. Taking her sword she drove it into Tony's chest. He gasped, brows furrowing in rage as he lunged at her once more. One more sword in hand, she was ready.

Or so she thought. With a quick maneuver, Tony had dodged behind her before impaling Sylvia on her own sword which he had drawn from his chest.

And then she reappeared.

"What am I supposed to do?!" She screamed out, her voice hoarse from the pain. It felt like she had just eaten nails, scratching the inside of her oesophagus.

To kill a monster, you must become a monster...

"What does that even mean?!" Sylvia cried out as she was thrust into yet again another battle with her brother. Just when Sylvia felt like she couldn't stand another second, the illusion froze.

Tony was frozen in place, mid strike with his fangs out and arms extended towards her. Sylvia scurried backwards on the floor, shrinking away from him.

A mage.... How interesting....

The voice mused. Sylvia, still in a confused daze, slowly stood up from her crouched position. She walked around the frozen Tony, before making her way to a wooden door that was practically reduced to splinters. She stepped through the door, and found herself back in the meadow.

"Sylvia what the hell?" A familiar voice called out. Looking over towards the door to the meadow, Sylvia saw Dirella.

"Dirella!" Sylvia called out, a vibrant smile etching itself across her face. Dirella looked pissed, her brows furrowed and lip curled into a sneer. She was standing outside of the time dimension, both hands extended with a faint purple glow eminating form them.

"I've stabilised the room, but you've gotta finish him off!" Dirella called out.

Stabilise this, bitch.

The voice hollered, as the room began to spin. Sylvia felt her eyes swimming as it rotated around and around.

"Become the monster...." Sylvia muttered to herself, as the room soon stilled with a new illusion. Sylvia was now at the foot of a mountain, with a stylish glass house embedded in the side. It was Dirella's house.

"No!" Dirella called out. But Sylvia felt herself being drawn to the house. She slowly made her way over to the door, opening it with a creak. She stepped inside, to find it the exact same she had left it, minus all the dishes. Except in the corner, Sylvia saw a wheelchair.

"Sylvia finish it!" Dirella called out, desperation in her voice. Whatever the demon was trying to show Sylvia, Dirella wanted none of it to be exposed.

Sylvia fought against the temptation to play into the demon's desires, instead glancing over towards the kitchen bench instead. She saw a small gleam of light hitting a brilliant red object.

The haemomancer tiara.

She dove for it, her hand reaching as far as it could before the demon could realise her plan. As her finger touched the cool metal, she used it's power to reach out and find Thomas. The tiara can identify both magical and non magical blood, even if it can only manipulate non magical blood.

However, to her surprise Sylvia found more than she had expected. Sylvia felt two magical blood creatures, herself and Dirella. She also felt two non magical creatures, Thomas and an unidentified individual. Her eyes wide, Sylvia came to a sudden realisation.

The demon wasn't actually magical.

What do you guys think? Quite torturous for Sylvia

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What do you guys think? Quite torturous for Sylvia... But bloody good entertainment.

Do we think this time being is good? Or evil? And what should Sylvia do when she finds this thing?

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