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chapter one

tw: mentions of abuse, alcohol, use of drugs, and trauma

please make sure you read the authors note that contains the trigger warning of the fic before reading. 


I slowly woke up to the sound of my phone vibrating beside me. I tossed my hand over at it trying to turn it off. My eyes shot open when I heard the pile of books on my nightstand fall over. I grabbed my phone and hit snooze and rolled back over to the opposite side of my bed. I rubbed my eyes and stared the moldy ceiling. The water pipes broke a few years ago and the ceiling was peeling off.  Brown mold grew throughout the popcorn texture. 

I turned on the switch to the small lamp on the wooden nightstand. The lightbulb flickered as I  slowly sat up and threw my head forward against my hands. I groaned, dreading my day at school. After contemplating ditching, I shook my head and got up. 

I navigated my way through the small hallway, reaching over to the familiar doorknob to the bathroom. I turned on the light and shut the door the furthest it could. The door was nearly about to fall off the hinges. I reached over the sink and opened the medicine cabinet. I grabbed my frayed toothbrush and put a glob of toothpaste ontop of the bristles. I leaned against the wall and looked around the room.

The tan-colored paint was chipped on the wall, dry flakes of it on the ground with drywall was peering through. The hairpins used as screws to hold the doorknob in place were slipping out and the door stood crooked from the lack of support. The mirror was cracked on the right corner and the crack was slowly growing throughout the glass. The faucet didn't have hot water, and the water pressure was weak. At least we could afford it.

I spit out my toothpaste, cleaning up my mess. I splashed my face with the cold water, even thought the faucet was turned to the hottest it could reach.

I went back into my room to get dressed, turning off the flickering light. I turned on my barely functioning speaker that connected to my phone. I rummaged through the few clothes scattered onto the floor and in my drawers. I threw on a t-shirt, brown jeans, and a brown jacket. topped it off with a brown beanie and my usual jewelry. I settled onto my floor, tying my shoelaces of my converse.

 I stared into the mirror, picking at my hair, and when I decided I looked decent enough I stumbled downstairs. I grabbed a granola bar, my keys, wallet, and walked outside. It was another rainy day in Forks. 


I've lived in Forks for my entire life. I loved it here. It was a small town, so I knew everyone. It was rare to come across someone you didn't know or haven't seen around. I've always enjoyed the rain and the greenery. I couldn't imagine living anywhere else. 

My mom died when I was a child. My dad had raised my sister and I but the older we got, the more abusive he became. At first, there were occasional slaps on the face, but it started to become more extreme when he started coping with alcohol. One day, he told us to stay put while he went to the store to get more beer. He told us he would be back soon, but it's been 10 years.

My sister and I live alone now. I'm currently in my senior year. My sister, October, is a sophomore. She and I became best friends throughout the years and we became closer as we had to take care and look for for on another.

I work two jobs. I could only miss one day of work a month, or October and I would have to cut down our food portions and ration. I worked at the local diner down the block since sophomore year and at Mike Newton's family's store since freshman year. October was joining me there, since she doesn't qualify to work at the diner. It's been rough surviving off my paychecks, but we made it work.

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