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chapter three 

this chapter is so cringy i did not know how to edit it to not be. please bare w me. 


I walked back to my friends and left Bella and Jessica glaring at me. 

"Even if Mike was a girl, I would never date her. She would probably still be a pain in the ass. One of those stuck-up, two-faced bitches. She and Jess would be best friends and talk shit behind each other's back daily, thinking they're the "power duo" of the school." I took my seat again, dropping my tray onto the table.

My friends laughed in response, nodding their heads in agreement. 

"We all know that's just what you say, you do it all for the attention. I mean I've never even seen you actually kiss a girl before! It's embarrassing that you think people actually believe you," Jess yelled over my shoulder.

I looked at Ivy, she nodded her head in encouragement. 

I turned around, my fingernails digging into my palms. I glared at Jessica."Right, you caught me! I love all the attention! Thanks for noticing, I was really waiting for somebody to call me out on it!" 

"Look, as much as you tried to make your fake relationships look so real, we all know that you just did it to try and get any type of recognition from guys. It was pretty obvious. I mean sure, you were a perfect booty call to Blake for two years, but I guess she just got tired of the act?"

That fucking bitch.

I was fuming. I stormed back over, taking somebody's off-brand soda from their table. They yelled at me, but I ignored them and continued my way towards Jess. I went over to the salad bar and took the black plastic tongs from the cherry tomatoes. I launched it over at Jessica, and took another scoop, and tossed it at Bella. Then I chucked the soda at Jess, her clothing getting soaked and her hair dripping soda down onto the floor. I didn't throw any on Bella, as much as I hated her, it was only her first day and I didn't want to embarrass her that much. 

"Who the fuck do you think you are Jessica? Your ego is way too high, you've literally never been in a relationship before because you've spent all of your fucking time crushing on Newton and policing all the girls that you know Mike would literally fuck if he could pull them."

Jess' jaw dropped and she flew her arms down to splash soda off her arms. I tried my best not to laugh and looked over at Bella. She was looking down at the floor where the cherry tomatoes had fallen off her body. She was clearly embarrassed, and I almost felt bad for her. I started to turn around to go back to my friends, but before I left I turned back at Jess. "Oh, by the way, you know what actually embarrassing? Kissing girls only at parties for attention, thinking that it'll get Mike to look at you. Find a new hobby, Jess."

Before she could respond, I quickly shifted my gaze back over to Bella. "You poor thing, Bella, I mean you're actually putting up with this girl? It's still your first day, you can find new friends, you know. Just don't come running to me when you have no one else to go to."

I threw the black tongs down back into the tub with the tomatoes and stormed back to my table for the last time. I pushed the chair out with my foot, settling back into my seat. 

"That was a great performance, honestly one of your best!" Dawson clapped her hands, applauding me. I laughed and took a sip of Jase's drink. 

"She's such a dick. I can't believe she had the audacity to bring up Blake." 

My friends started eating again. They knew it was best to leave the subject there. I nodded in response and started eating off Max's tray. I ignored the glances at me from around the cafeteria and talked with my friends. I looked up and saw October sitting alone. She gave me a soft smile from across the room. She liked to sit alone so she could get some of her homework done before her shift after school. She never talked to many people at school. She kept to herself but would always smile at others in the halls. I always tried to invite her to sit with me, but she always declined. I looked back at Jase and smiled. 

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