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chapter 4

tw: slight violence, use of alcohol and drugs, trauma, and minor mentions of sex.


I groggily awoke, my body sprawled out on an unfamiliar large bed.

The bed was comfortable. I sunk into the padded mattress. The fluffed pillows were thick and felt soft on my skin. The thin, silk blanket that hugged me was luxurious.

This was not my bed. 

I plunged up immediately, my head pounding. I grabbed onto it, holding onto it. I jabbed back into the mattress and massaged my temples.

I closed my eyes, focusing on relieving the pounding pain in my head. I looked up at the unchipped, white ceiling, with a rustic light fixture hanging down from the center.

Beside me, I felt something shuffling around in the bed. I grabbed my jeans that were thrown carelessly on the floor. Frantically, I rummaged around in the pockets finally feeling the familiar details of the small knife. I shook my hand out and clicked the silver button, launching the blade out.

I grabbed the girl, pushing her down further into the mattress, turning her body to face her direction to me. I positioned myself on top of her, my knees beside her body.

I put the small knife on her neck, angling it slightly. It was on the verge of piercing through her skin.

The girl had long eyelashes and short locks. Her facial structure was sharp. She was beautiful. Her lips were plump, her dark red lipstick smeared. She woke up, her eyes widening as she felt the sharp blade in contact with her skin.

"What the fuck?" She had a deeper voice, and she had a small tooth gap between her two front teeth. Her teeth were perfectly white.

"Who the fuck are you? Where are we?" I pushed the knife closer to the stranger.

"Chill out Raven! Do you not remember the party from last night? I honestly have no idea whose room we're in, but it's the same house from last night! Point that knife somewhere else!"

I shifted my gaze down. She was undressed, the silk blanket draped over her.

Then, I slowly started to remember the night before.


Last night, my friends and I went far out of town. We took off into the night, driving without any destination. We saw the subway station, so we decided to get on.

We all ran onto a random subway, that was already there. We stayed on after a few stops and left when we left it was right. We didn't even read where it took us. We simply just ran outside since we were distracted by each other's company. 

Wherever we were, it was still pouring rain. We were all soaked, but we ignored it and stuck our tongues out at the raindrops. Our worries melted away into the rain, ignoring the fact that some of us had a curfew. 

We found an apartment nearby the subway. There were bright lights that blinked to the loud music playing. We all decided to go since there were hundred of people through the window, and even some more people walking out. 

We drank way too much.

I ended up hooking up with Grace. We kissed at the party, making our way into this room and we spent the night together. I blacked out once we got into the room. 


"Grace," I blankly stated as I realized the girl in front of me.

"Took you long enough. Now put the knife away," She rolled over, grabbing her phone on the table beside her.

"Sorry, I completely forgot what happened last night, I drank way too much, my memory's a bit foggy."

Grace smiled at me, nodding her head. She got up from the bed, throwing on her clothes that were scattered along the floor.

"Here, you'll probably need this," Grace set two pills of Advil on the nightstand beside me and filled up the glass of water that sat beside the two orange pills. 

"Thanks, Grace. I'm sorry about that. I jump to conclusions easily," I grabbed the pills, swallowing both as I chugged the glass of water.

"It's fine, it was kinda hot. Maybe I'll get you all freak out again so It can happen again," She winked at me and walked out of the room. She softy closed the door behind her.

I fell back onto the bed and sighed. After a few minutes, I got up and put on my clothes from the night before. I set my knife down onto the nightstand. I grabbed my phone out of my jeans, which was filled with hundreds of notifications from October and my friends.  

I quickly responded to the frantic texts, verifying I was safe and okay. I told October that I was out of town and would be back tonight. She didn't ask for any details and reminded me that I had a shift the next day at the diner. I slid my phone back into my jeans and shoved my knife back into my pocket. I opened the door and cautiously exited. 

Grace told me that I was safe, but I could never be too sure. I scanned through every corner of the living room sprawled out to me. It was vibrant, a colorful rug covered the white carpet. There were plants that covered the entire space. There was a large bookshelf, full of books in every spot possible. There were even some books stacked onto of each other on the floor beside it. There was a dark green couch filled with pillows and blankets messily arranged. The strong aroma of alcohol filled the air. There were bottles on the floor and solo cups everywhere. 

I looked sharply to the left at the end of the hallway. There was a small linen closet at wall facing me. I walked towards the door and swiftly opened it. It was too small for anybody to hide inside. The wooden shelves were filled with stacked towels and toiletries. I turned around and walked to the other end of the hallway. There were two doors. One was completely open, the other shut. I inched closed to the open door and saw myself through the mirror. It was a small bathroom and nobody was inside. 

I went inside and checked to make sure it was clear. I lifted up towels and checked another closet that was buried inside. Empty. 

I left the bathroom and slowly made my way to the last door. I opened it and inside was a large bed in the middle. There were two girls inside, both covered by the thin blanket. The room had looked like the one I was in, their clothes were recklessly on the floor and the bed was messy. They both looked up at me, panicked. 

My eyes shot open as I saw the familiar girl. I immediately closed the door, my ears blocking out whatever they had yelled at me. I felt like I was about to faint. Everything was blurry. I ended up in the kitchen, although I had no idea how I navigated myself there. Grace stood up from her bowl of cereal, rushing over to me. I couldn't manage to say anything. I tried to tell her I was fine, but nothing came out.

I saw the bedroom door open, and she walked out. I stumbled out of the chair I was in and left the apartment. She screamed at me. She tried chasing after me. I slammed the door shut and ran out of the building complex before she could get to me. I walked away, the cold breeze hitting my face gently. I felt tears slowly streaming down my face, or maybe it was rain. I don't really know. The water poured down, my clothes and hair were soaked. I started to sob, my sight becoming even more blurry. Then, it went black.

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