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chapter seven

The large metal doors slammed shut by the time she reached my table.I caught the sly grin on her face when she directly in front of my view. She looked different. Her skin was more pale than usual and her eyes were darker. She walked with confidence as if she had owned the place. She knew eyes were on her, but more importantly that my eyes were fixated on her. The last thing I expected was for her to plop down in the empty seat next to Jasper. She kissed as he wrapped his arm around her. I saw her look at me immediately after and then fixed her attention back onto Jasper. 

She was dating Jasper. She arrived in Forks the same day that I stopped coming to school. The timing seemed weird. My friends were frantically trying to get my attention, but I ignored them. As soon as I was ready to get my life back together, she was here, waiting.

Blake was my first girlfriend and the first person I fell in love with. She briefly attended Forks High School but after sophomore year she left, right after it happened.

Nobody knows.

"Hello?? Raven Are you there?"

Her voice reminded me of when we used to walk each other to class and try to time for each other as much as possible. I trusted her with everything. I loved her.

I flashed back to reality, dropping the plastic fork I was clasping.

I looked up and saw her bright red hair flash at my face. I looked at her and examined her new features. Her face and body looked slimmer and she truly looked like a Cullen. How did she change her appearance to look identical to them? 

I blinked my thoughts away and looked into her dark eyes. "Blake, what are you doing here? And why do you look so different?" I managed as thousands of memories flashed back at me. As soon as I looked into her eyes, it was impossible to think of anything else. 

"I promised you that I'd come back. Look, I hope that we can be friends again, I really missed you when I left. I was even able to get a few classes with you! We can hang out all the time like we used to," she spoke differently, her voice sounding forced. 

She didn't seem to care about that promise the night she left. 

"I'm good, thanks for the offer though. I'll have my schedule changed," I got up from the table and let my chair scratch loudly against the floor. I left the tray of food on the table and left the cafeteria as quickly as I could. 


I went to Biology class, trying to ignore the fact Blake was back. When I went to sit in my seat, Edward Cullen was sitting in the seat beside me. I rolled my eyes and ignored him.

Mr. Banner walked in and set his things down at his desk. He wrote down a page number on the board and waited for the bell to ring. The endless rain poured down, the patter of the water dropping onto the window echoed in the room.

I took out my textbook, flipping it to the page that was written on the board. I saw Edward do the same, mirroring my actions as I took out my pencil.

This guy was weird. No wonder he's with Bella.

I started to think about Blake. About how she randomly came back to Forks and was acting like nothing had happened. Her actions seemed so forced, like she was putting on a show. I was so glad I was able to get moved out of all the classes we had together. Unfortunately, that meant I didn't my usual biology class with Ivy, and now I had it with one of Blakes "brothers." 

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