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chapter ten 


"Hey, wait up!" I called over Alice's shoulder. We'd just gotten out of psych and Mike mentioned how I would use her to make Blake jealous. I didn't know how to get out of this one since I already told Edward. Would he tell Alice the truth if she asked him? 

"What's up, Raven?" Alice asked in her sing-songy voice.

"Can we talk in private?" I didn't want to risk being seen with her around Blake. She's already caught me earlier with Edward, and being seen with anothe roen of her sibilings wouldn't end well. 

I wanted to avoid her family, but Edward was so nice to me. I'd already told him about my history with Blake so I felt like I was in too deep already. And Alice.. she was impossible to stay away from. How could I stay away from her now that I had a class with her? I'll just be extra careful about being seen. Blake couldn't be watching me all the time, right?

"Yeah, sure," Alice led the way into an empty classroom. I could tell she felt slightly off. I didn't know her very well, but she walked carefully instead of her usual carefree way I'd seen. 

When I walked in, I closed the door behind me. 

"Hey, so can we talk about what Mike said? Ever since high school started, we never got along. He still won't stop bugging me so I just bug him back," I saw Alice started looking around the room. She wanted me to get to the point. 

"Anyways, that's beside the point. What he said about me using you to make Blake jealous was out of line. Even for him. I'd never do that and I'm not interested in Blake. We were just friends and we had a falling out when she moved. There was nothing between us," I felt bad for lying straight to her face, but I had to, for my sister. 

"It's okay, Raven. I know if something happened between you and Blake, she would've told me. I'm sure you would've too."

So she trusts Blake enough that she'd expect her to tell the truth. 

"I don't trust Mike. I hear the way he talks about girls and it's disgusting. Especially the way he talks about Bella. It's awful, Raven. I promise you, I believe you," she went up to me and gave me a quick hug. 

I sighed as she wrapped her arms around me. I hated that I couldn't tell her the truth, that I couldn't tell her that she needs to stop trusting Blake. 

"Thank you, Alice. I really appreciate it. I would love to keep sitting next to you, if you're alright with that."

"Of course! I'm more than okay with it. I'll see you on Monday," she walked towards the door but turned around before she left. Her perfume lingered as she walked past me. She smelled sweet, like vanilla but mixed with sandalwood. A few second later, I caught a slight note of shampoo. When her hand was about to turn of the doorknob, she giggle as she waved at me. THe next second, the door clicked shut and she was gone. 

I sighed again. I couldn't wait to see her again on Monday. 


short chapter but planning on releasing another chapter tomorrow night! also, i released chapter summaries for the chapters of this fic! each recap is less than a 3 minute read so that you can remember the key moments that happened in the chapter. feel free to refer to it any time you need! -s 

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