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chapter two
its kinda cringy but please bare w us it'll get better

I had to show the chief's daughter, Isabella Swan around school today.

I effortlessly did light makeup, looking into the glass of the bathroom mirror. I shoved on the thin, cheap fabric of my clothing. I layered a t-shirt on top of a striped long sleeve. I slipped through my black jeans. I walked over to my dresser and slid my silver necklaces and rings on. I clutched my backpack, threw it into the passenger side of my car, and drove off to school an hour early.

Very few cars were parked in the lot, an unfamiliar, rusty red truck was parked toward the front. A pale girl with chestnut hair stood awkwardly outside it. She was holding a book in her hands. Her face was stuffed into the book, consumed by its pages. She wore a gray long sleeve, an olive green button-up over it. She paired it with dark blue jeans.

I took my keys, attaching the silver carabiner into the loop of my jeans. I parked in the back, so I walked across the parking lot to get to her. She didn't notice me once I reached her and still read over the pages of her book. 

"Hey, you must be Isabella Swan. I'm Raven Black. I was assigned to show you around school today," I took out my headphones and wrapped the wire around the fingers and tossed it into my bag. 

"It's Bella," She looked up at me and then quickly looked back down at the floor. 

"Oh, I'm sorry, Bella. I had no idea," She stared at me, clicking her tongue, waiting for me to continue.

"Your schedule, a map of the school, and some other papers that should help you with your transition are inside this folder," I handed her the flimsy folder, raindrops lightly leaving drops of water on it. She awkwardly skimmed through it, nodding her head as she flipped through the pages. 

I had never realized how loud the rain was until this moment. I awkwardly stood there, looking down onto the wet pavement, fingering at my rings. She finally closed the folder and looked back up at me. She half-smiled and waited for me say something. 

I awkwardly nodded, looking back to the school building behind me. I waved my arm out towards it, acting as a grand reveal.

"Here's our school. I'll show you around now, follow me," I started walking in front of her as my shoes splashed against the small puddles. I lead her to the cafeteria first. 

As we went through the tour, I would secretly observe Bella and her body language. She was very shy and kept to herself. Whenever I would talk and talk about whatever room we were in, she would reply with short answers. I tried to carry more conversation to stop the uncomfortable silence, but it was difficult with her lack of interest. I understood what Mr. Greene meant when she wasn't excited about coming back. I guess it would be hard to move from the sun to constant rainy weather. 

I took her around to each building, giving a brief tour of each room she would need to go to throughout the year. I showed her around the gym and the girls locker room. I even gave her advice on how to get out of running during class. She just nodded her head slowly and looked at the basketball hoop beside us. 

I walked her to her locker. It was next to all the empty ones since there weren't many people that went here. The locker was dusty, with cobwebs on its exterior. She flipped through the contents of the folder to find her combination. 10.5.8. An easy combo to remember.

It wasn't easy for her. It took her several attempts to finally unlock it. She struggled to use the lock. She even had to use the "How to unlock your locker" paper inside her folder. 

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