Chapter 15- Luciana

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"Awww," I coo watching Jonathan with Galen and the other kids. They're so fascinated with him. His stories and how he plays with them. When they chase him, he purposely goes slow and let's them tackle him to the ground. He rolls around on the ground till he's back on his hands and knees.

"Grrrr." He says grinning, "I'm a hungry bear ready to eat all the little kids!"

"No! No!" The kids all cry running away. Galen braves him and jumps on his back. Jonathan crawls in circles trying to reach Galen. The other kids soon realize it's safe and flood back around him. A few more hop on his back. A flash of pain in his eyes alerts me he's done.

"Okay kiddies," I say pulling them off him. "Let's let Jonathan rest." After all the kids are off his back I help him up. He collapses into one of the chairs.

"Story?" One of them asks. The r coming out like a w.

"Lucy, read us a story!" One of the boys asks in an adorable four year old voice. The Ls and Rs sounding like Ws.

"What story should I read today?" I ask them.

"The one about the rainbow coat!" All the kids chorus.

"Okay guys, gather round." I tell them taking a seat next to Jonathan. They all flock around and sit to listen.


"Bye bud." Jonathan says as Galen's parents pick him up after the second service. His dad picks him up and Galen gives Jonathan a high five before being carried home.

"You're really good with them," I tell him, "But how's your back?" I ask him.

"It's killing me." He admits. "I want a long hot shower and a massage."

"I think that can be arranged." I tell him. "What are you doing later?"

"You're serious?"


"Wanna come over for lunch?"

"I need a change of clothes."

"We can stop by your house."

"Okay. Will your mom mind?"

"No, she wanted me to invite you anyway. After dinner last night. This'll be a repayment."

"Deal. So I'll stop by my house then head over?"

"Or I could walk over with you and we'll walk back and have dinner with my mom."

"Okay. So supper with the youth group after small groups tonight?"



"Lunch's delicious Mrs. Pembroke." I tell her eating the small Caesar along with the pasta primavera. "Thank you so much for having me."

"Your welcome here anytime sweetheart." Jonathan's mom says.

Their small apartment is starkly different from my three story family home. But I really do like it. It feels homey. The pictures on the walls and tables are of Jonathan since he was a baby. Little league. And now club baseball, school soccer, basketball, and football. I look around at the small room at how they turned it into a home. This feels more like home than my own home.

"Let me help clean up," I tell Jonathan's mom. I pick up my dishes and take them to the kitchen.

"Singing skies and dancing-" I grab my phone from my pocket.

"Hello?" I answer it without looking. Since when was that song my ringtone? Better question, since when was it even on my phone? I look over at Jonathan who is looking at the picture of him in his little league outfit. Culprit found.

"Luce," my father is on the line, "Ashton's parents called. I know you're with Jonathan right now, but they can't find Ashton. He won't answer his cell. They're really worried."

"Where have they tried?" I ask my father.

"All of his usual haunts." My father tells me.

"Jonathan and I will help. We'll be over in ten."

Jonathan looks over from the kitchen. I hang up with my father and face him. "What's up?"

"Ashton's missing. We've got to help look."

"Let me go tell my mom." He says.

They checked all of Ashton's usual haunts. What about mine?

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