Possessed, depressed, and obsessed

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Do you ever get so caught up in memories that you find yourself forgetting to breathe? That's where I've been these past few weeks.
I've been very distant from my girlfriend, distant from my friends and family, just basking in all that we had been.
She thought that no one cared about her.
She was so wrong.
My love for her was greater than any other love I have ever felt.
I would have done anything for her.
I would've married her.
I tried so damn hard to lose weight, and it worked for a little while. And to be clear, she never once called me fat or anything short of beautiful.
She said that she would have given anything to look like me.
What a thought.
I've exhausted every memory of her and now it almost feels as if she was just a dream,
Some far off princess that stole away in the night and took my heart with her.
I'm afraid that I'm losing the last little bit of her that I have.
I've been finding myself staring at pictures of her.
I still love her..
So much.
I'm getting so close to the end,
So close to revealing what happened to her.
The truth is,
I'm afraid.
I'm terrified to tell you guys what happened to her.
Because it was partially my fault.
I let her slip away from me,
I let her go.
I was too busy falling in love with her to see that she was falling apart.
And she was too busy falling apart to see that I loved her,
And that she was taking me down with her.
If you couldn't tell already,
I have a severely addictive personality.
It isn't hard for me to become infatuated, obsessed even.
Yeah, that sounds about right.
I wasn't just in love,
I was obsessed.

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