4 - it is what it is

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You look back and see Tayler and Charly kissing
You are shocked and Bryce can't believe it
You and Bryce win the second and third game with Tayler seeing you don't care anymore
You go into Bryce's car and Tayler sits next to you again
You: b can I sit in the passenger seat
Ant: um I'm here too
Bryce: yeah ant she needs it
You swap places with and when you get home Tayler goes into your room and without knowing he is in there you go too
Tayler: want to explain what's wrong?
You: leave...
Tayler: not without an explanation
You: just leave
Tayler: no explain now
You: you and that Charly girl
Tayler: you wanted to keep our relationship a secret
You: that doesn't mean sticking your tongue down some other girls throat
Tayler: you decided this not me I was doing that so we could stay a secret like you wanted
You/ it's not just that I've seen with all your past relationships you've not lasted more than six months
Tayler: they weren't the right girls
You: all 4 of them?
Tayler: I love you
You: no you don't or you wouldn't have kissed her
Tayler: I kept us a secret didn't I?- wait I see Bryce found out I can talk to him he'll listen to me-
You: *interrupting* I wanna break up
Tayler: what?
You: you heard me
Tayler: for real?
You: yeah I'm sorry
Tayler: our six months in a couple of days
You: yeah I know
Tayler: it is what it is we had a good run I'll see you around or whatever
He leaves and you go downstairs into the kitchen
Tayler didn't go very far as he is now in Bryce's room
You get some food and go back into your room
Ant knocks on your door and you let him in
Ant: what's this about you and Tayler?
You: oh right you never knew me and Tayler were dating for about six months and now we're over cause Bryce said that he never dated anyone longer than six months
Ant: he told you that?
You: yeah why?
Ant: oh nothing
You: Anthony...?
Ant: Bryce lied to you
You: what are you talking about?
Ant: Tayler has been with one girl and they broke up after 2 and a half years
You: fuck I messed up thanks
You go knock on Bryce's door and he lets you in
You: you're such a fucking liar
Tayler: who?
Bryce: what did I do now?
You: Taylers been with 7 other girls and always broke up with them before six months I found out the truth one girl 2 and a half years together so why?
Bryce: I don't like you two together
You: why?
Bryce; my best friend and my sister are you kidding? Plus you agreed with me
Tayler: what is he talking about?
Bryce: your girlfriend there believed me and said I was right
Tayler: wow
You: that was before I realised you were doing that for us.
Tayler: I was
You: I know so do you think maybe we could I don't know get back together
Tayler: sorry but no
You: I get it we were never gonna work anyway like this
You go into your room when Bryce knocks on your door
You tell him to leave but he comes in anyway
You: what do you want Bryce?
Bryce: hey... you ok?
You: what do you think?
Bryce: right bad question to ask
You: it's all your fault this is
Bryce: I know but you two are the two most important things in my life and I can't ruin that
You: so you'd rather risk your sisters happiness as long as you don't lose your best friend
Bryce: yeah I know that's messed up
You: just leave I don't want to talk to you let alone look
He leaves and you go downstairs and lo and behold the two besties are sitting on the couch
You get some food when your dad comes down
Travis: everything alright princess?
You: mhm
Travis: really?
Bryce: it's fine dad
You: ask your son why he doesn't think I should be happy why I don't have a chance with someone who I love so much
You go back upstairs after grabbing a drink when your dad knocks on the door
You: come in
Your dad sits on the edge of your bed next to you
Travis: so you and Tayler?
You: yep and almost six months until Bryce got into my head
Travis: think about him tayler and him have been best friends since they were children and you're his only sister your mom is 39 weeks dont say anything to her but if you two do date again do it in secret again don't tell Bryce cause you know how he's like
You: alright thanks dad
You hug him and he leaves
Tayler texts you
I'm coming up there in one minute

You read it but ignore it until he walks into your room
Tayler kisses you and it escalates to you two hooking up
You collapse in your bed with Tayler next to you
Tayler: fuck
You: what are we doing?
Tayler: I want you so fucking bad
You: Tayler-
Tayler: listen if it means we do this in secret so be it but I want to be with you
You: ok well I'm done
He kisses you but you stop
You: you have to go
Tayler: no I don't
You: tell Bryce
Tayler: already have so I'm all yours darlin
You: never say that again
He smiles and you lay on him after wearing some pjs
You: I'm going to get some food
Tayler: bring something back to me
You: alright
You go downstairs and make a sandwich
You take both half's upstairs and Tayler is watching something
You: what you watching?
Tayler : I just turned the next episode of maid on come in
You lay on him while you both eat
He falls asleep before you this time and you turn it off
You fall asleep at 11 pm

A SECRET- A Tayler Holder story *COMPLETED*Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ