55 - rent paid

42 1 0

You hand her an envelope and she opens it only to instantly shove it back in your face
You: take it
Khloe: no I can't you're my niece for a reason
You: I've stayed here for almost two months I need to pull my weight
Khloe: no I'm not accepting this
You: it's about $500 from my money just take it
Khloe: no
You: yes
Khloe: fine
She takes the envelope and you hug her
You: thank you
Khloe: of course
You go into Taylers car
You: done we can go now
Tayler: alright
It takes 40 minutes to get to his house
You: I'm gonna go to school tomorrow
Tayler: really?
You: yep
Tayler: great
He kisses you
You go on your phone and see sommer ray on instagram

Caption: missing out on him </3

You DM her

Stay away from Tayler! It was over 4 months ago get  over it

He lays in between your legs
You: why do you always lay there?
Tayler: it's comfy
You laugh and hold his hands 

Tayler: babe what's up?
You: nothing what do you mean?
Tayler: did you not want something?
You: no
Tayler: oh right
You: why? Every time I want to hold my boyfriend I have to need something
Taylor: no
You; you ok?
Tayler sits up and faces you
Tayler: it's school- never mind
You: love tell me
Tayler; Jaden and his friend cooper
You: he's not excluded?!
Taylor: well today he is
You: tell me what's up
Taylor: they've been digging at me constantly
You: you should just ignore them
Tayler: how the fuck am I meant to do that?!They go after me all the time 
You: I'm sorry that that's happening to you
Tayler: that's not doing anything is it?!!
You: what's wrong with you?
Tayler: you wouldn't understand how hard it is to go to school while they are there
You: of course I do
Tayler: I forgot about him almost r@ping you
You stay silent but he knows he messed up
Tayler: I'm sorry I'm just stressed
You: I'm going home
Tayler: this is your home
You: No it's fucking not! It's not my home when you shout at me...
Tayler: whose shouting?
You: you know what I mean.
Tayler: I love you
You: how? How do you love me when you say this?
Tayler hugs you
You: I hate fighting!
Tayler: so do I I'm sorry
You: I'm sorry too
He kisses you and you sit next to him
You: I'm not going school tomorrow
Tayler: *to your surprise* and that's ok!
You: really?
Tayler: yeah I get it
You: thank you
He smiles and you go downstairs with him
He makes some dinner and you eat
You go upstairs and lay in his bed
He cuddles you and you both fall asleep

A SECRET- A Tayler Holder story *COMPLETED*Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora