36 - nothing

42 2 0

You: nothing I'm fine
Your mom comes down and sees you
Kylie: the principal called me
You: yeah well I'm going out now
Travis takes your car keys before you can get them
You: please give them to me
Travis: therapy is what you need not going out to God knows who
You: god just leave me alone!
You snatch your keys out from his hand and he jolts back in surprise
Travis: you leave you don't come back home tonight!!
You: ok I'm fine with that
You go to your car and drive around for a couple of hours before going into a gas station
You fill your car up and get some food
You eat in your car when Tayler calls you.
Tayler: hey babe
You: hi bae
Tayler: your mom told me what happened
You: of course she did
Tayler: talk to me
You: I'm fine
Tayler: what happened to no secrets?
You: sometimes there needs to be secrets
Tayler: baby come on
You finally break down and after ranting to him for about an hour about your dad and Jaden you stop
Tayler: you ok for real?
You: yeah I will be
Tayler: ok I have to go I love you
You: I love you too
You drive to Taylers apartment and let yourself in
You go to his bedroom when you see frames and pictures of you two together on his walls
You lay in his bed and get your bag out to get changed
You get changed into your pjs and lay back in his bed under the covers

Momma 💕

Darling come back home this is so stupid

I'm staying somewhere else

If I tell him not to send you to therapy will you come back?

Maybe tomorrow

Alright as long as I know you're safe xx

I am 

You put your phone on charge and go to sleep

A SECRET- A Tayler Holder story *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now