53 - sommer

46 2 0

Sommers POV

He drives me crazy I miss him so much why did he have to go to het?

Back to your pov

You walk into the precinct and see the officer who came to the house
He leads you into the room and the officer sits down

This is officer Anderson with y/n Scott the interview has started at 13.29 pm

The door is banged upon lots of times and you see Tayler
The spare officer: sir please wait in the reception area
Tayler: that's my girlfriend
Officer: sir please leave
You: I'll be out in a few love stay out there
He smile and sits in the waiting area

Officer: ok so y/n a couple of other women have come forward with allegations against me Jaden hossler so we would like an idea of what happened
Everything goes fine at first but as the officer interrogates you you start to break down crying
A female officer puts a hand on your shoulder to comfort you
You go through the story including when you met and when you dated
An hour goes by and the interview comes to a close and the officer finishes up
You go outside and Tayler jumps up
Tayler: everything ok?
You: yeah can we go home?
Tayler: yeah of course
He takes you to his house
Tayler: bae can I tell you something?
You: what is it?
Tayler: I called the police
You: why?
Tayler: I thought it would be easy
You; yeah it was (!)
Tayler; bae I'm sorry
You: it's fine
Tayler: you sure?
You: yep he's finally going down for what he's done
He kisses your hand and you go to his house seeing as you're in LA after all
Tayler: bae so I was thinking...
You: what's up?
Tayler: why don't you move in with me?
You: really?
Tayler: yeah
You: sure why not? Let me pay the rent and then tomorrow I'll move in
Tayler: nice!
You: I love you
Tayler: I love you too
He kisses you
You go downstairs and get some snacks
Tayler: BABE YOU OK?
You: yep
To be honest you were relieved by the thought of Tayler calling the police to help you

You get some food and go upstairs
Tayler is getting his clothes ready for school tomorrow as you iron out your uniform ready for work
You give him half your sandwich and you eat
Tayler gets a text and you see it's from Sommer

Yo yo yo let's meet up tomorrow at 2 pm

You look at him fake smiling
You: what's all that about?
Tayler: I never deleted her number
You: why?
Tayler: baby I'm sorry
You: yeah it's fine
He kisses your cheek
You: love I'm being serious it's fine
Tayler: great
He burps loudly
You: EWWWW!!
Tayler chuckles
You lay on him and he falls asleep before you
You fall asleep at 10 pm

A SECRET- A Tayler Holder story *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now