37 - going in

47 2 0

You wake up at 7 am and decide to go to school
You get this outfit out and get changed
Camila texts on the group with you and Madeline
Camila: y/n coming in today?
You: you bet
Madeline: are you sure?
You: yep
Madeline: see you there
You get your car keys and drive to school
The principal is at the front welcoming everyone in
Principal: back so soon?
You: you could say I missed this place already
Principal: your parents are here
You: what?!
Principal: in my office they said to bring you in
You go with him to his office and your parents are there like he said
Travis: let's go home
You: no I'm here for a whole day I just wanna forget about it
Travis: don't be silly let's go
You: no!
Principal: I'll let you guys sort this out
He leaves

Authors note:

The next bit talks about SA and Rapists so please if this triggers you or you feel uncomfortable please skip to the next chapter

Travis: that's fine when you do come home you're grounded and I'm taking your car keys
Kylie: that's a little extreme considering what she went through.
Travis: I don't care
You: what about Stormis birthday everyone's gonna come over
Travis: ok other than that
You: you know what take it I don't care I'm not coming home for nothing
You go to leave when Jaden is standing outside the door
You: move!
Jaden: nah
Kylie: you've got some nerve talking to her like that
You look at your dad
Travis: maybe I overreacted sorry
You: yeah you did
Jaden: did you think about my offer?
You: what are you on about?
Jaden: *whispering* us dating??
You: shut up I'm not dating you
Travis launches at him but Kylie stops him
Kylie: don't
You: you're a Sex offender
Jaden: did it happen?
You: so just because it didn't happen that doesn't make you a rapist?
Jaden: exactly
You: I'll see you guys at home
Travis: really?
You: yeah why not?
Travis: ok you'll be ok right?
You: yeah
Travis: call me if anything happens and you can come straight home no matter what
You: alright
They leave and Jaden comes closer to you
You: stop! You're taking the piss now I don't want you I have a hot boyfriend
Jaden: me?
You: please- you're mediocre at your best
Jaden: whatever you know you want me
You: nah I'm ok you're ugly
Jaden takes your hand
Jaden: come on just once
You snatch your hand back
You: get a damn grip
You leave and the principal is on his way to his office
You: oh by the way sir I don't know why you haven't expelled Jaden as of yet
You go to homeroom and sit between Camila and Madeline who are deep in conversation
You: hey
Madeline: hi
Camila: hello
Madeline: surprised to see you back so soon
You: well last week of semester so might as well two more days then I'm done with this shithole for 2 weeks
Madeline: preach sis
You and camila laugh
The bell dismisses
You: damn I've been here for like 2 minutes
Camila: let's go
As you get out from your seat the intercom goes off

A SECRET- A Tayler Holder story *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now