14 - liar liar

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Charly: I just needed to tell y/n that me and Tayler fucked right now
You look at avani confused
Avani: don't say anything
EVERYONE bursts out laughing after Charly is sent to the principals office
You put your head down humiliated until the end of the lesson
As you walk out you get looks and sneers
Tayler comes up to you
Tayler: hey babe you ok?
You go straight to avani ignoring him
Tayler: what's up?
You start to go when Tayler pulls you back causing you to fall into him
You: don't touch me with your cheating self
Tayler: what's going on?
You: you and Charly hooking up not long ago
Tayler: what?
You: yeah she told everyone
Tayler: shit baby listen to me ok? I love you so much
You: don't do this just don't don't manipulate me anymore
Tayler: anymore?
Avani: is it true?
Tayler: no of course not even ask my teacher I was in lesson the whole time
You: come with me
Tayler: yeah ok
You: not you avani
Avani: let's go then
You go Taylers teacher and ask him
Teacher: yeah he was in my lesson the whole time but can't say the same for Charly
You: oh right ok thank you
You walk out with avani and Tayler is leaning against the wall on his phone
He looks up as you kiss him
You: I'm so sorry for doubting you
Tayler: yeah of course it's ok
You go with him to your next lesson which you have together
You sit next to him and lay your head on his shoulder
Bryce: so I take it y'all are together
You: fuck... no
You get up
Tayler: yes yes we are Bryce
You look at him panicking
Bryce: that's fine
You: what?
Bryce: I get it you're the only sibling who hasn't dated anyone you're just getting out of your system which means you two won't last long
You: excuse you?
Bryce: you heard me
Ant comes in and asks to talk to you so you agree and move away from anyone who can hear you
He asks you to not tell anyone and you agree
He smiles and you go back to Tayler
You: Bryce gone?
Tayler: yep he moved but that means I have you all to myself
He kisses you when the teacher interrupts
Teacher: stop trying to eat her face off Tayler
Tayler: sorry sir
You laugh
Teacher: seeing as your done with your makeout sesh you can give the papers out for the pop quiz
You both get up and give them out
Teacher: 20 minutes
Tayler flys through it while you struggle
Teacher: times up
You scramble to finish but you can't
Teacher: Tayler collect them please
Tayler collects them and you read your book while the teacher marks the tests
You get it back
Teacher: disappointed in you y/n
You see it and you only got 88/100
Tayler sees it
Tayler: bae it's ok
You: no it's not I've never gotten less than 98/100
Tayler: so what? It's like ten marks
You: you don't understand you've never gotten higher than a 70
Tayler: wow well for what you should know this time I got 100
You: you got higher than me? Good job I guess
The bell rings and you go straight out
Tayler: baby come back
You: I got to get to my next lesson
Tayler: baby I'm so sorry
You: don't be sorry you got full marks congrats
Tayler: I don't understand this
He goes to avani and you go to your lesson
Tayler: avani I need your help
Avani: let me guess... y/n?
Tayler: yep
Avani: come let's walk and talk
They walk to their next lesson while Tayler explains
Tayler: so she got an 88/100 on the pop quiz and I got full marks and now she's mad
Avani: you got full marks?
Tayler: yep
Avani: and she only got 88?
Tayler: yep

A SECRET- A Tayler Holder story *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now