31 - surprise

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Tayler: well look outside your door
You: what?
*knock* *knock*
You open the door and see Tayler
He calls into the phone
Tayler: heyy
You end the call and he kisses you
Tayler: I want you

Your body's merge into one as they push into each other
Hours go by as he takes over your body

Tayler: you and Jaden?
You: I think we are over for good
Tayler: well that means we can be together
You: maybe
Tayler: what do you mean maybe?
You: Tayler I just don't know
Tayler: oh right
He gets up
Tayler: well I have to go
You: please...
You kiss him
You: I'm ready
Tayler: you sure?
You: yeah
Tayler: great
You: well...
Tayler: what?
You: never mind
Tayler: oh right. Y/n will you be my girlfriend?
You: yes of course
He kisses you
You: so what do you wanna do?
Tayler: babe I have to tell you something
You: what's up?
Tayler: I hooked up with lili
You: it's fine why'd you tell me?
Tayler: no secrets this time round
You: ok
Tayler: but I have to tell you something else
You: what is it?
Tayler: we have multiple games out of state in Idaho so I'll be gone for like 3 weeks
You: so I'm coming?
Tayler: that's the thing coach doesn't want anyone whose not playing or cheerleading there
You: but you'll be back in time for a Christmas right?
Tayler: yeah but I'll be in Texas
You: that's fine when you come back for New Years we'll party then
Tayler; baby you're not understanding I'm gonna come back before semester starts but only like a day before
You: but I won't see you in like a month. When do you leave?
Tayler: tomorrow
You cuddle up to Tayler so he wouldn't see your tears down your cheek
Even if you just got back together you still saw him everyday
You couldn't think of him not being there with you for a whole month
You: I have to go to the bathroom
Tayler: darlin don't do that
You: I'm fine
Tayler: you sure?
You: yep
Tayler gives you a kiss
You go to the bathroom and freshen up
When you go back Tayler is on Netflix
You get a text from Jaden

Hey can we talk?

Tomorrow maybe?


A SECRET- A Tayler Holder story *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now