12 - i want- no i need you

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Skip a week or so....

You've seen Taylers story over the past few days and they all lead up to today
You've checked it this morning and they've got back
You start to text Tayler but decide to erase
You get ready for your 1st day at school
You wear some lip gloss and mascara before heading out
You walk when you see Bryce and Addison together as they want to reconnect
You see Charly and Tayler getting out of Taylers car
Tayler: I'll see you later babe yeah?
Charly: yeah alright
They kiss right in front of you and you look like you wanna cry
Tayler looks over at you before coming over
Tayler: hey love
You: what did you just say
Tayler: hey love?
You: no
Tayler: I want you- no I need you
You: you didn't need me when you took Charly to Texas did you?
Ant and avani come over
Ant: everything ok?
You: yeah he was just leaving
Tayler: was I?
Ant: yeah I think you were
Tayler leaves and avani turns to you
Avani: so you and Tayler?
You: what no?
Ant: sis just give it up
You: alright fine yeah but you cannot tell Bryce he will kill me
Ant: you got it
Avani: you ok though?
You: I mean despite the fact he's cheating on me yeah?
Avani hugs you and you go to lesson and the only seat in the class is next to Charly
You take the seat
Charly: oh hey
You: hi
Charly: me and Tayler are together how you feel about that
You: do what you like with him I honestly don't care anymore
You move your chair to the edge if the desk
The teacher comes
Teacher: hey how was everyone's Sumer break new year new beginning and that starts with me
Teacher: recently I've gotten engaged so if I'm not here most days I'll be out planning and looking for some venues and that so for now just make some notes on the historical event of the Korean War
You get your Copic markers  and your highlighters out
You make some notes when your teacher comes round
She holds yours up as an example
Teacher: well done y/n this is a very good note taking page
You: thanks mrs wright
Charly: can I use some markers
You: no they are brand new and I don't really want anyone else to borrow them
Charly: you're so stingy what the hell
She rolls her eyes and you stay out of each other's way for the rest of the lesson
As you go to your locker Bryce is approaching you
Bryce: you and Tayler again?
Ant and avani come
You: who told
Avani: wasn't me
Ant: me either
Charly comes out
Charly: it was me bitch
You: how did you even know
Charly: I've seen the way Tayler looks at you and the way he both treats you and lights up when you're around so payback time
Tayler comes over
Tayler: what's going on here
You: Charly told
Tayler: told what?
You: me and you
Tayler: what about us?
You: how we are together
Tayler chuckles
Tayler: you thought we were together?
Ant: shit maybe we should leave
You: what are you talking about?? Of course we are together

A SECRET- A Tayler Holder story *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now