45 - celebration

47 1 0

You: what?
Kim: don't you think that's wrong?
You: not until now...
Kourtney: babes it's not that it's just that Tayler is Bryce's best friend and you're his sister so you know maybe you're betraying his trust a little
Kim: he may not be ok with him sweetie
You: he is he even said
Kim: maybe he feels he has to
Kendall: he doesn't want to lose his relationship with you so he might tell you he is but he won't be
Your mood changes and they see that
Kendall: shit! Sorry....
You: yeah I never thought of it like that
You stay silent and it's awkward until your mom and dad call everyone over for games
You play pin the tail on the donkey and then eat cake
You pick at it
Kylie: everything ok?
You nod as tayler texts you at the worst time

Him <3

I love you 💕

You read it but don't reply as you wonder whether Bryce really is ok with your relationship with tayler
Scott comes over
Scott: are you depressed cause you can't afford to get Botox?
You just look at him
You: not everything is a joke don't even why you're here you're not part of the family you just hang out cause you have no life
You go upstairs to your room as your mom comes upstairs into your room
Kylie: what was that about?
You: I'm sorry I shouldn't have exploded like that
Kylie: what caused that?

A SECRET- A Tayler Holder story *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now