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Taehyung widened his eyes when his eyes went to his husband who was throwing every second thing coming in his view while searching one of his important business file.

"These...these are Ggukie's new toys, kookie..stop"

He picked up few toys from the floor with a frown on his face. "It broke."
"Look you broke it"
"Now I have to buy all these things again for our Ggukie-

"Ggukie Ggukie Ggukie!! Do you know anything else except ranting this particular name?!!!"
Jungkook raised his voice making Taehyung flinch by his actions. Taehyung's eyes became teary as for the first time Jungkook talked to him like this.

"Where's my red file, you said you kept it here, Didn't you?!!!"

Taehyung immediately nodded in fear.
"K-Kookie, I k-kept it here only..."

"I'm sure you kept it here..that's why I can't find it, right?" Jungkook glared at Taehyung who immediately gazed down as his eyes started shedding tears which he had been holding back.

Jungkook heart clenched seeing those tears falling from his love's eyes, he just wanted to hug Taehyung right away and beg for forgiveness for raising his voice on him but...

"When you're going to learn your duties as a Husband?!"
Taehyung gasped when Jungkook held him by his upper arms.

"K-kookie *hiccup* I'm s-sorry...p-please wait a minute I'll find t-that file-"

"From where huh?...I wasted my half an hour here and still couldn't find it.
Do you know any kind of magic or something?!!...."
Jungkook gripped Taehyung's upper arms tightly.
His heart shattered into million pieces when he felt Tae's shivering body. For the first time Taehyung was shivering in his hold. He was afraid...afraid of his own husband.

"Jungkook..." Namjoon frowned seeing Jungkook's strange behavior as he approached to Taekook followed by Jin who had the same reaction on his face.
"What's wrong, Jungkook? Why are you yelling at-"
Namjoon stopped when Jungkook signed him to do so.

"It's my personal matter, so please let me handle it on my own, hyung"
And until when he's going to behave like a 5 year old kid?...Don't you think that now he should also learn his responsibilities?"

"But Jungk-"

"Please, hyung"

Jungkook now looked at Taehyung only to gaze down as he couldn't face his love's crying face anymore.

"Stop shedding tears for no reason!"
"Please don't cry my love, I can't see you in tears"

"K-kookie, I'm s-sorry..ple-" He nervously looked up.

Taehyung ran behind Jungkook who was then already too far from his reach.
Namjoon rushed to the boy, stopping him from following the other.

"Kookie...I'm sorry...please don't go like this"

"Taehyung" Namjoon called out softly as he made the boy look at him.

"Hyung, kookie..he didn't even have his breakfast...please call him-

"Don't worry about him...I'll go and talk to him......for now you have to just take care of yourself, ok?..."
Namjoon wiped Tae's wet cheeks as he hugged the boy.

"Hyung, please tell him I won't do that again... I'll never annoy him again, I promise, I'll keep all his files separat- "

"File? Namjoon pulled back.

"Yes hyung...I lost his red file, he even told me to keep it carefully as it was one of his important business file but I...

"So Jungkook did all this deliberately..."

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