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Phil, probably the most beloved prince you'd ever meet. A strong fighter and adventurer at heart. He was the current heir to the throne when his kingdom went under siege.

Third person's(Phil's) POV

Phil fled into the woods only leaving behind a feather, his heart raced as he found a place to hide. He caught his breath once he found a secure cave far from the walls of his former kingdom. As he took refuge in the cave and set up camp he took out a photo, it was a photo of his lover. "Kristin." Phil sighed, he was planning to propose to her, he even bought a (GOD DAMN) ring. He held the photo closely and tried his best to sleep.

Once morning hit, Phil in his half awoken state heard rustling outside. He drew his sword and stayed hidden. What emerged from the bushes were crows, his murder of crows stayed near the forest floor to not alert anyone other than him. Once his heart slowed to normal he walked over to one of them picking it up. "Did any of you find a place I could stay in?" The crow merely squawked, leading him towards a rather large clearing in the forest.

"I think I can work with this." Phil looked around, examining the area.

5 years later

"You rat! Get back here!" The man shouted as Phil quickly jumped a fence. Five years, it's been five years since Phil lost his kingdom, for five years he's been surviving on his own. He's changed, from a somewhat rowdy happy-go-lucky prince to a well-known thief.

"Alright, mates. I got some beet seeds, wheat seeds, potatoes, carrots and that's about it." He said, going through his bag. "Let's prep these for planting," Phil added allowing a few crows to enter his cottage. The rest of the day went by with a blur with Phil preparing his sword and bow while cleaning up his small plot of farmland for tomorrow.

"Will all of you please quiet down, I still have to sleep." He laughed closing his bedroom window. Laying down, he closed his eyes remembering everything that happened that day. He's changed so much, not to mention he's had to resort to stealing. Not long after he fell asleep with everything in mind.

Phil was drawn back into consciousness when light began to pour in from the window. Soon he got out of bed and walked his way to the kitchen, he made his breakfast and as soon as he finished he grabbed all the seeds and other things he'd plant. He scattered the seeds all over the plot, making sure all the seeds were covered in dirt so none of the crows can get to them.

After watering the plot he walked into the forest sword and bow in hand, he tucked his wings under his cloak carefully concealing them. "Watch after the place and don't steal the seeds." Was his bid goodbye as he disappeared into the thick forest.

Phil's POV

'It's awfully quiet.' I scanned around the dark forest surrounding me, everything was still, it felt quiet.

I readied my bow, listening for anything that could pop out and attack me. Then I heard a twig crack behind me. I whipped around only to feel myself get tackled to the ground. "What the- AHHH!" I turned over kicking them off of me. "So you're the infamous thief everyone's been talking about." Their voice sounded feminine yet somewhat familiar, I shacked of the feeling and drew my sword.

She had her crossbow and loaded it, she tried to shoot me only to have the arrow get blocked by my sword. We continued to fight, blocking and exchanging hits landing the occasional cut or graze on each other. After a while she had her crossbow at my neck, I looked up at my assailant seeing a familiar pair of hazelnut eyes. 

"Kristin?" I whispered wide-eyed. "Phil?!" She moved the crossbow away from my neck and offered me a hand, helping me up and pulling me into a tight hug. "I thought you died." "I thought you already moved on." I sighed hugging her back. "I'd never." We pulled away laughing seeing as both of us had were covered in scratches and cuts. "We should probably clean these cuts now." "Yeah, we should."

»»———————► »»———————► »»———————► 

After getting patched up we were sitting on the stairs outside. "For five years I thought you were dead, and for four damn years I've been stuck in that hell hole of a castle." "Is it really that bad there?" "Yes, and I never want to go back." I sighed. 'It's now or never I guess.' "I actually wanted to tell you something." I stood up going in front of her, scratching the back of my head. "Before everything that happened I was meaning to ask you." I knelt down taking the ring out of my pocket, before I had the chance to ask she answered. "Yes!" I tackled onto the ground in a hug.


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