Yellow chrysanthemums and yellow tulips (Schlattbur but hanahaki)

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I'm not sugar-coating anything this time, Hanahaki is painful and very very bad, so what happens when Schlatt's long-standing crush on Wilbur ends up more than just a small innocent 'I think I like him' to 'I'm fucking in love'?

TW: Blood and mentions of anxiety

Schlatt's POV

I've liked Wilbur for a good while now, I mean who wouldn't? The guy's kind, has a nice singing voice, a near-perfect family, a stable life and not one, not two, but his family owns six- count them, six pets. Like, what the fuck? To add to that, when I say 'near-perfect' I mean people chase him and his twin, his younger brother is chaotic but knows boundaries plus his parents are fucking saints... Unless you mess with them that is-- they're very scary...

Today I had the honour of getting to school late, drenched and without notes for third periods test. Fuck this. I sighed, slugging into the classroom I took off my jacket and sat down. "You look terrible, are you good?" Wilbur leaned towards me a bit with a concerned look. "No," I replied bluntly, the cold feeling of my damp clothes helped me ignore how close together we were. "I have some spare clothes you can change into in my locker..." And there goes the kind part. "Thanks."


Class was uneventful after that, and when it was over I followed Wil to his locker and he gave me his spares, walking into the bathroom I changed into the clothes he gave, a button-up and jeans if you're wondering. "Thanks again Wil," I said, walking out of the bathroom. "You don't look half bad in a button-up if I have to be honest." I could feel myself choke at that, the feeling of something soft and smooth scratching at the insides of my throat.

Wilbur's POV

As he stepped out of the bathroom I suddenly blurted out. "You don't look half bad in a button-up if I have to be honest." He seemed to choke, face tinted in red as I laughed it off. I love him to death, even if the guy is such a dork- I mean I am too but, it's kinda sad to see how fucked up his luck is. "Pffft, see you at math?" I asked, readjusting the straps on my bag. "Yeah, yeah, sure." He sounded spaced out, almost, lost, maybe a little pained. I sighed. "Alright then." I waved him goodbye and walked to my English class, all while trying not to blush like a dork.

As I walked inside and sat down Techno mockingly asked, "Were you flirting with Schlatt?" I laughed. "A little." He groaned, taking out his red notebook and pen. "When're you gonna tell him?" He noted something in the margins of the page. "Not sure..." He rolled his eyes. "Oh, my non-existent god." We went back to taking notes and reading our textbook after that.


Once I entered the third period I felt a pair of eyes land on me, a soft gaze of... adoration maybe? I turned over to where I sat and saw Schlatt fiddling with his pen. I trotted over and dumped my notebook onto the table, causing Schlatt to flinch and freeze, his ears flickering as he glared at me. "The fuck?" He looked at the notebook then back to me. "Why...?" He stuttered out, his breath still choppy from being spooked. "Was it that loud?!" I asked, innocently. "Wh- Yes! You— I froze!"

"Yeah, yeah, 'm sorry." "Better be." He muttered, pouting and crossing his arms. Playfully I whined. "C'mon, what can I do to make it up to you?" My voice was sing-songy as I joked.

Schlatt's POV

"Shut up brit boy." "Sure, rammie." He cooed while I coughed out an exasperated sigh. "Alright class, the test has been postponed due to someone leaking the answers, I'll let this be your free period and reschedule the test to next week." I felt my shoulders slump. "Thank God..." I groaned, falling face forward onto the desk with a thud. "You didn't study?" I looked at him with a blank face. "Right, bad day, sorry."

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