Life and Death

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Many people believe that Death is a grotesque monster, covered in shadows and bound to the darkness, saying that he is merciless and cruel. As for Life, they are all led to believe that she is gorgeous, light trailing behind her as she brings life to all those around her.

Although unlike most would tell you, it's quite the opposite. Death is more of a graciously merciful mother, while Life seems terrifying, just like his wife he is patient and generous.

Deaths' jet black hair, striking violet and indigo eyes and starry robes truly capture the night.

Lifes' bright blonde hair, blue eyes and forest green cloak meanwhile capture the lands they reside in.

He grows and gifts her flowers, but each one she touches wilts, yet reassured she receives all of them. (reference)

Kristin roamed the earth collecting souls and bringing the night, she never caused any of the deaths personally, she just takes their souls and ushers them to the afterlife. And yet, she takes the blame for it, and just because she's seen as a monster she never was.

"Good lord. There's... too many souls... This is— exhausting." She was knelt on the ashes and remains of a forest fire, gripping her scythe for support. "Kristin?!" A familiar voice spoke from behind her, concern wavering through as footsteps became audible. She felt a hand on her shoulder, turning her head. "P-phil?" "Hey? How're you doing? You look tired." She sighed laughing right after as Phil knelt beside her. "I am, but, what are you doing here?"

He smiled. "Life can thrive anywhere, or at least-" He moved some ashes uncovering a small balsam(impatients) flower. "-Survive, even when a tragedy like this occurs." "Huh. I kinda wish I could touch it." She smiled looking at the flower.

"Hey, let's take a break. You've done enough reaping." Phil wrapped his arm around her, not noticing the pink tint that was now visible on her face. "Yeah, probably." The two stood up walking away from the ashes, all while beginning a new conversation.


"-are crows your favourite creation?" Kristin pointed at the small chick in Phil's hands. "I guess so since I tend to make a lot of them." He smiled showing the little fledgling. "Do you have a reason though?" Phil froze for a moment. "They... remind me of you." He muttered out barely audible. "Wait- really?" Phil swallowed.

"Eh- I- A lot of people connect ravens and crows with death, so... it kinda reminded me of you." He covered his face, trying to hide the red tint now very visible on him. "Aww." She smiled, laughing at his reaction.


"Hey, Phil. Have you ever held a soul before?" The two were hanging out like they normally do. "No, I haven't." "Here." Excitedly she handed him the soul of a puppy she found on her way there. "Cold." He smiled as the puppy jumped to like him on the face.


This time, the two were in their human form. Phil was in a green shirt, jogging pants and brown boots. Kristin was wearing a violet blouse, dark blue jeggings and the same brown boots.

The two chased each other through the field like children, Phil in front of Kristin. "Aha!" She tackled him, sending both of them tumbling down a hill. "Shit!" "Ahhh." They landed under the old oak tree they planted together.

"Hahaha!!" Kristin laughed as she held herself up with her arms. "Can you... get off of me?" Phil deadpanned. "Hmm, how about..." She stopped supporting herself up and landed roughly on top of him. "Augh." "No." She laid on his chest, hugging him tightly. "I love you." Phil froze, staring at her. "I- I love you too." He hugged back, his face turning red.

They stayed like that for a while, enjoying each others company. "I... have a question." Kristin started, pulling both of them to their sides. "Go ahead." He answered, having a (for a lack of a better word) derpy face. "How long have you been waiting to say that?" She asked laughing a bit. "A long time." "Same."

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