My boys

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Cast: Phil, Grian, Techno, Wilbur, Tommy, Tubbo, Schlatt, Caster, Jace and random guards.

Trigger warning this chapter contains: Death, mentions of death, blood and kidnap.

Third-person(Phil's) POV

Phil sat at the edge of the conference table staring down at the men in front of him. "So, gentlemen. What business do you have for me today?" His focus was on two of the men, they were in dark blue grey-ish suits both of them wearing a watch, each with specific engravings on the sides."Mr Caster, Mr Jace?" "Well, we were just here to ask for a favour." Phil raised a brow. "What kind of favour?" "We'd need you to take someone out." "Oh? I'll need a name and a face then." They nodded.

Phil's focus shifted to the brunette wearing a dull maroon suit, who so far only had a ring on his finger. "Grian?" Phil nonchalantly asked. "Nothing, I only came to give you the lead you were looking for." "What lead exactly?" His not-so-dry tone rang through the room. "Your boys." For a moment Phil's eyes sparkled but it didn't last for long. "Go on," Grian slid a folder towards him and once it reached Phil he scanned through it, noting the name and face of his now 'main target'. "Who was the person you two wanted me to take out again?" "Matthew Blake." There was a pause between the four wherein Grian coughed to break it.

"Ironic." Grian's deadpan expression drew the other two's attention. "How so?" Caster inquisitively pushed. "Two birds one stone, the person you've asked me to kill is the same person who kidnapped my kids. Oh, this will be fun." Phil chuckled, his unnerving smirk and the malice intent behind it ever so prevalent; with Grian knowing Phil, he knew very well that someone would end up dead by tomorrow.

"Thank you for the lead Grian, I think all of you should be on your way now. I have some business to attend to." Phil dismissed them. "I-" "Yeah, I'll help them be on their way." Grian nervously escorted the pair out of the conference room.

Third-person(Grian's) POV

"What was that about?" Mr Jace turned to Grian once the door behind them shut. "You wouldn't want to get dragged into that..." The small hint of dread in his voice seemed to startle them. "Why?" Mr Caster's tone of voice was full of concern and interest. "Well, if anything happens to the boys... There's a guaranteed chance Phil will find and kill whoever made that mistake. Trust me when I tell you, he really loves his family; not to mention most of his main team were people you could consider adopted or siblings(also adopted)." Mr Caster and Jace looked terrified- or at least seemed even more on edge than before. "So... If anything happens to his main team... We're fucked, so to say?" "Only if you did something to them, then functionality, yes." "Well, now there's our reason to get going." Mr Jace grabbed Mr Caster's arm and walked towards the exit. After around ten minutes of blankly thinking I exited the building.

Third-person(Phil's) POV

After I was sure they were outside the room I walked to my exit seeing as it was behind my chair and hard to notice. Once outside, I dialled an old friend. "Hey, Schlatt? We're getting our children back." "You got a lead?" "Yeah, meet up at the door." Schlatt hummed as Phil made his way towards the bakery. "Schlatt." "Philza." The two greeted each other as they entered the break room of the bakery.

 "Yeah, hold on I'l-" Kristin paused looking at Phil dead in the eyes, as she raised a brow. "What're you going to do this time?" She crossed her arms and leaned on the door frame. "We're getting the boys back..." Phil tried to be nonchalant despite knowing how dangerous it could be, Kristin sighed. "You're not going on a suicide mission, are you?" Her voice wavered slightly as she recalled the last time the two nearly got themselves killed.

They broke eye contact, her gaze falling on the floor; an anxious look painted her face. Phil walked up to her and hugged her. "Don't worry I wasn't planning to die today." "Make that something for every day." "No guarantees" Schlatt checked his watch and sighed. "I'll be back soon." Phil joined Schlatt at the back exit and walked out. "I hope so," Kristin muttered under her breath.

"You two are so hopeless." Schlatt chuckled as the two walked through the quiet empty streets. "Love is love Schlatt." They smiled "I guess so." The two walked towards the black car they'd use. When the warehouse was in sight, the two readied their guns. The guards on duty never stood a chance judging as they were easily shot.

Techno's POV

I shifted around trying to cut my restraints using the small glass shard I had. "Techno?" I turn to Wilbur, who continued to struggle in his restraints. "Do you think they're gonna get us?" I sighed. "I'm sure they'll be here, but-" I was cut off by the door being slammed opened. "ALRIGHT YOU FOUR DUMB FUCKS, IF ANY OF YOU DON'T COME WITH US WE'RE KILLING YOU." The man's deranged look was unnerving, even for me. "AT LEAST TELL US WHERE WE'RE GOING!" Tommy tried to stand but to no avail. "I swear to God, if you want to ever see the sun you better keep your mouth SHUT." Tommy tried to speak but thankfully Tubbo stopped him.

We were helped up and taken to an open area near the entrance of the warehouse, as soon as we reached the middle, all of us were pushed to our knees. They made us wait there for a while, meantime Wilbur, Tommy and Tubbo were distracting the guards as I slowly chipped through the ridiculously thick rope. Suddenly a bang caused everyone to go quiet. "Who the fuck-" The door opened and one of the guards was shot in the head, soon after I felt the rope go slack. "Techno get the others down!" Phi- dad shouted and out of instinct I cut Wilburs rope and we carried Tommy and Tubbo out of the way.

Once we reached a safe enough area I cut their ropes, and we checked for any injuries. "Tommy? Tubbo?" Wil looked at the two. Tommy, who was looking at his wrists shrugged it off. "Just rope burn. You?" Tubbo rolled up his sleeves slightly. "A few bruises and rope burn. Techno?" "Rope burn and a cut from the price of glass I used to cut the ropes." I stared at the small cut that stretched across my palm. "Boys!" Dad's voice and footsteps grew closer until I felt like I couldn't move much.

Phil's POV

I grab the boys into a tight hug and walk them out to where schlatt was waiting. "Toby!" Schlatt kneeled and caught Toby as he did stumble back a little. "Let's patch you guys up before we get going. Your mother's gonna kill me if we don't." Everyone laughed as we all started to walk back to the car.  Once we got there I took the first aid kit from the trunk. "Hey, Techno. How long have you had the glass shard?" He looked to his half-open wound. "Yesterday." "Were the ropes strong?" I continued to rap his cut. "Yes." I patted his back and double-checked the others rope burn, once we finished we drove back.

"You three aren't going out for while." I sighed laughing, opening the door to the bakery. "Same thing goes for you, Tubs." Schlatt added.


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