The life of a subject

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Trigger warnings in this contain, Mentions of blood, incarceration(Not 100% sure), mentions of trauma and mentions of breakdown/panic attack.

Basically, RacconInnit gets thrown into the SCP foundation because of shenanigans.

Racoon child

Special Containment procedures

The subject is to be kept in a 3x3x3 metre standard humanoid containment unit, in addition, there must be a two-way mirror window at least 12x12x12 inch(1x1x1 foot) in size.

Reasonable requests for personal items and modifications to the containment suite may be granted upon approval by Researcher Watson, a Level 4 or higher authority. To date, SCP-1902 has requested:

• A synthetic cow plush named "Henry" (granted)

• Various types of books (granted, pending review and approval of contents)

• A window with an alcove (granted, any cracks visible must be reported immediately)

• Various types of merchandise from different streamers (denied, with the exception of two cotton wristbands from the streamer by the name of "Philza")

• One Poster from the musical "Hamilton" (pending)

• Contact with SCP-2357 and SCP-1508 (granted: SCP-1902 is allowed one hour of interaction (for both research and socialisation purposes) with SCP-2357 and SCP-1508 every Friday which will be monitored by researcher Watson, a level 4 researcher or higher.)

SCP-1902 is generally content with remaining in h̶i̶s̶ its cell, as long as it is not aggravated. Phycological and physical testing has confirmed that the subject has gone through significant physical and psycho-emotional trauma. Stimuli regarding these events cause aggressive and unpredictable behaviour, immediate sedation is required during these events.


SCP-1902 is a Safe class SCP and often refers to itself as "Tommy". It appears as a caucasian British 17-year-old humanoid with ears and a tail reminiscent of the Procyonidae family.

Its medical and physiological analysis indicates several deviations from baseline human norms, including significantly more vulnerable skin and higher visual sensitivity to light.

SCP-1902 has no major effects on humans, although, it does have anomalous effects on animals. 36.8% of animals tested have been observed to have fungal growths reminiscent of the mushroom Amanita muscaria. The growths do not harm the animals in any way.

Addendum 1902-A: Circumstances of Retrieval

The subject was found outside a library in the city of Brighton in the UK during an investigation where two police officers were reported to have seen a 186 cm tall male with blonde hair and a tail run out of the said library. Both officers were given amnestics and the subject was half-willingly taken into custody of the foundation.

SCP-1902 has been identified as Thomas Simons, no further information about him has been released for privacy reasons. He has stated that "For all I know, I've had these for my whole life and no one noticed." implying that not many people had seen or taken notice of its ears and tail. Information about its parents lay with Researcher Watson and level 5 personnel.

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