Chapter 1

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It was the second week of June, and I was in my junior year. A lot of students like me were in front their lockers getting the things they need to study. I unlocked my locker and put my bag inside. I only took my History book, a pen, a random notebook, and my phone. I was about to close my locker when an arm snaked around my neck.

"Hiya Aster!" It was Alexa.

"Good morning Lex, where's Shannon?" I looked around the hall to see her.

Alexa scoffed. "She's probably making out with her boyfriend in the bathroom. Anyways, how's your new homeroom? Is everything fine?"

I switched homerooms last week and now all three of us aren't in the same class anymore. I told Alexa that I wanted new faces and a new environment. Being as supportive as she always was, she agreed with me. Now the only time I get to be with Alexa and Shannon are during lunch breaks and dismissal.

"I'm fine. It wasn't that hard adjusting you know. I recognize some people around me," I turned my head and saw Shannon walking towards us, her lipstick ruined.

"I told you, making out while wearing lipstick isn't the best idea," Shannon rolled her eyes at my remark.

"You know what girls just get yourselves a guy and you'll understand me," she laughed at us. I took my wet wipes out of the locker and gave it to her.

"At least wipe your face before meeting us. What if a teacher saw you?" I gave her a look of concern. Alexa commented, "or next time, don't wear a lipstick."

"But I want to look pretty in front of Clyden," Shannon pouted.

"Girl, you're already gorgeous. You don't need make up. Clyden would still love you with your bare face," Alexa was right. Just like me, Shannon was even more beautiful when she's not wearing makeup. But yeah, I guess love changes people.

The bell rang, signaling us to go to our homeroom. I wore my glasses and the three of us parted ways and went to our respective classrooms.

I entered the room along with my new classmates and made a beeline for my seat. I was in the middle column. And in the fourth seat. I put my things on top of the table, pulled out my phone and earphones, and blasted my music. I was reading our History book when Ms. Paulson entered the class. A male student wearing an expensive looking jacket followed behind her.

"Everyone, good morning. Someone is joining your class today," and she motioned the guy to stand in front of the class. He had brown hair and green eyes, and taller than most of the boys in the room. I took one earphone out and stared at him like everyone else.

"I'm Roman Godfrey, looking forward to meeting you all, " he introduced himself in a bored manner. A few of my classmates clapped their hands momentarily.

"Alright Mr. Godfrey, go seat there at the remaining vacant seat," He walked towards his assigned seat, his shoes making a sound everytime he took a step. He was in the third seat beside the window. He dropped his shoulder bag to his side and quietly sat and leaned his back on the chair.

I stared a him for like a minute because he looked familiar, and then stopped and went back to my senses when I felt a person behind me poke my back. It was Nadia.

"He looked familiar, right?" I looked at her, unsure of what to respond. "Yeah, I guess so."

"That guy was pretty popular among girls. But he doesn't do commitments though, he's only there for the fun." Nadia's eyes were sparkling.

"What do you mean?" I asked her.

She scooched herself right beside my ear and whispered, "He was good in bed," I narrowed my eyes. "How would you know that?"

Nadia giggled. "We've had it," she kept looking at him. "but if you're sensitive you better not hang out with him, he can only fuck you once," we continued to stare at him. And then, he turned his head and looked at us. His intense eyes seemed to focus on mine. His lips formed a smirk, then he looked away.

"Oh my gosh, I think he looked at you!" Nadia's voice was a bit loud this time. "No, I think he looked at you," I retorted.

"Ms. McKenna, Ms. Lee, want to share something to the class?" Ms. Paulson stared at us and we fixed our seats. Almost everyone turned their eyes on us, even Roman. I could feel the embarrassment grow inside me.

I payed attention to Ms. Paulson as she started the discussion and throughout her whole period, I could feel a pair of eyes looking at me.

Two to three subjects later, it was finally time for lunch break. I stretched my arms in the air and plugged in my earphones. Taylor Swift's Wonderland just started playing, and it eased my tiredness for a bit. When I got out of the room, I saw Nadia talking with Roman. She was leaning on the wall and his hand was pressed on the wall too. I could see Nadia's eyes sparkle and I could hear her voice getting flirty.

As soon as my favorite lyrics of the song had just started, he briefly looked my way and set his green eyes on my dark brown ones.

Didn't you flash your green eyes at me?

I quickly looked away and hastened my steps. I saw Alexa and Shannon in front of the lockers and I jogged towards them, with my skirt that went a few inches past my knees flowing.

"What took you so long?" Shannon snaked her arms around my shoulder. I removed one earphone and reduced the volume of the speaker.

"I'm sorry, Calculus took an extended time," I lied. We walked away along with the other students. I looked back and Nadia was gone but Roman was still in the same spot, he was leaning his shoulder on the wall. He was still looking at me.

And I haven't noticed my heart hammering inside my chest until I saw a smirk form from his lips.

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