Chapter 14

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After Roman gatecrashed in my house, I locked the door and went to bed, then tried to sleep. My eyes stayed open and my mind was fully awake. Roman seemed to misunderstand what he saw, and I don't want him to think that way.

But why would he stalk me? That's creepy and alarming. I could feel a chill run down my spine.

I sighed. "He's pretty overprotective over someone he barely knows," I said to myself.

I couldn't sleep the whole night and when I went to school in the morning, the bags under my eyes were evident, and I was pretty aloof. I didn't even get to pay attention on what Shannon and Alexa were talking about when they met me in front of my locker.

"Aster are you alright? You look sick," Shannon's voice brought me back to reality. My brain kept bringing me back to what happened last night. I forced a tiny smile, praying they didn't notice it wasn't real. "Yeah, I'm fine, I just didn't get enough sleep last night."

Alexa interfered. "Are you nervous? It's still three days before the concert."

"Guys, I'll be fine. I just have something in my plate right now," I looked down. I heard a scoff, and I could tell it came from Shannon.

"Don't tell me that this is about that spoiled Godfrey," I looked up, and Shannon was clearly annoyed at her own remark.

"Why? What did he do?" I couldn't answer her question and all I could say was, "It's not about him, Shan," she wasn't satisfied with my response, but she heaved a sigh of defeat.

"Fine, I'll let you be. But just tell us if something is wrong with you. We're your friends, don't keep us in the dark."

The bell rang and we all went to our respective classes. When I reached my seat, I looked over Roman's. It was empty.

He's probably not going to school. I hope he gets a really bad hangover. He scared the hell out of me last night.

And yeah, he really didn't come to school today.

I didn't have any appetite for lunch so I stayed in the classroom and told Alexa that I'm not in the mood to come. Roman's intrusion in my house last night robbed me of any sleep I could get.

I plugged my earphones and let the music blast against my ears. I put my arms on the desk and rested my head on them, and I tried to get some sleep.

I was like that for a while, and when I was about to drift to sleep, I heard a faint sound of a chair being dragged despite my earphones plugged in my ears. I didn't pay attention to it and decided to sleep.


I knew it.

I opened my eyes while my head remained on top of my arms that rested on the table. Roman's gaze welcomed me, and I tried my best to keep my calm.

We stared at each other, afraid to break the fragile silence that was enveloping us. I heaved out a sigh, removed my earphones and swtiched my head to another direction where I could not see his face.

I heard him mutter a curse, and he began tapping his feet in utter desperation. I heard the chair being dragged closer to me.

"Aster, I'm sorry... I shouldn't have done that. I was wrong," I felt his hand on my arm and he touched me gently, like he was scared of hurting me.

"Why did you do that?" I asked without looking at his direction. There was a brief silence before he spoke.

"I was just scared and desperate. I know that stalking you was wrong and I'm sure it weirded the hell out of you. I'm sorry Aster. I just..." he trailed off.

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