Chapter 9

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"Holy shit."

He looked down, and let out a chuckle. "Never heard you swear before," he met my eyes again, and then he ran his fingers through his hair.

The bell suddenly, rang, and it made me snap back into reality. Roman found out that I could sing. Holy moly, i didn't even want him to know about that.

He walked towards his seat, and he said, "You're so unpredictable and surprising."

When a few of my classmates entered the room, their faces were painted with confusion as they saw me standing at the back of the room like a statue. I consciously went back to my seat, scared to make a sound.

The teachers during that period didn't come, and basically, we just stayed inside the room until it was dismissal. My earphones were plugged the whole time while I was reading my book. I slowly lifted my head to look at Roman's seat, and Blythe was sitting on his desk. I didn't know what they were talking about, but when I saw Roman throw his head back while laughing, irritation started to swell inside my chest once more.

I took a deep breath and took my bag. I left the room. A few of my classmates looked at me for a moment and then got back to whatever they were doing, and I hastened my steps. That room became suffocating, and I did not want to stay there for now.

I went to the big tree that we usually hang out when it was lunch time. I sat on the ground and leaned on its trunk. I was the only person there, and the sun was hiding behind the clouds. I roamed my eyes in my surroundings as the gentle rustling of leaves filled my ears. I felt my eyelids getting heavy and the next thing I knew, I was asleep.



I was at the cafeteria with Blythe Liverpool, the girl who sat near the doorway of our class. She was pretty, with her amber eyes and the freckles across her face. I didn't find her appealing, though. She was prettier than most of the girls in my class, but she was far from Aster's delicate beauty.

Well, she may look like an old-fashioned nerd, but there was something in her that intrigued me, like a strong magnetic force, pulling me towards her.

She had long straight hair that went to her hips, and that was the very first thing I noticed, apart from the glasses that sat nicely on her face. It was jetblack, like a starless night during spring. Her dark brown eyes, which looked normal to me at first, were so mysterious. I've never seen eyes like those, especially those long lashes that defined her orbs. They were breathtaking to look at.

Well, sometimes I liked how her eyes showed emotions whenever I approached her. How they showed a mix of nervousness and wonder, and how they stared at me like I was a tsunami that was about to rush into her life.

"Hey, you still with me?" My train of thoughts went to a halt when I heard Blythe's voice.

"Oh, yeah," I replied, trying my best not to sound unamused. "So, do you want to be the representative too? We could, you know, pair up," she suggested, and I turned her down on the spot. "Oh, sorry, I'm not into those kinds of things, " I looked at my watch, and I think it was already time that Aster would go back to the classroom and read while listening to music.

I stood up. "Uhm, I have to go," Blythe was a bit taken aback, not expecting me to leave her while she was still eating. "You've barely touched your food," she looked at me with an expression that annoyed me for a bit.

"No it's actually urgent, you finish your food here. I'll get mad at you if you don't," and with those words and the smile I faked, her cheeks turned red and she complied. Just as I expected, she was basic and easy to deal with, just like most girls.

It Started In AugustKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat