Chapter 2

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It was lunch break, and the three of us sat on the grass, talking. Shannon and Alexa had sandwich while I had spaghetti. While we were talking, Shannon's phone rang. Her facial expression changed drastically as she read the message sent to her.

"Oh my god..." she couldn't utter any word after that.

Alexa scooched in beside her and read the message. She too, was in shock. "What the fuck Shan, is that real?"

"What is it guys?" I was worried at their reaction. "Did something happen?"

Alexa squealed as she kept on hitting Shannon's arm. "Clyden's parents wants to meet our pretty Shan!"

With that, I put my food on top of my bag and sat beside Shannon as fast as I could. She was still speechless while me and Alexa were both screaming our lungs out. I shaked Shannon to bring her back to her senses.

"Shan! Oh my gosh. It's on Saturday," Shannon was now smiling like an idiot.

"Well, that isn't the problem girls, what's Shannon gonna wear?" My question resulted to them looking at me, their faces now filled with conflict.

"Holy shit Aster. Shannon's wardrobe is far away from decent," Alexa looked at her and now she was more nervous than before.

"Well, I guess we have no choice but to go shopping," Shannon's face was now calm.

After we finished our lunch, we went back inside. We entered the hall and parted ways there. When I got back inside the room, no one was there yet. I was alone. I plugged my earphones and maxed the volume and read a book. A few minutes later, someone went inside the room, his long legs straddling across the other side.

I did not pay attention to it, but when I saw him sit on that particular table, I knew who he was.

I just went on and read my book. I was a getting a little impatient and I wished that my classmates would just burst in already.

After a few minutes, Roman walked towards me. He pulled a chair, put it beside my seat and he sat, facing me. My heart raced in my chest as I tried my best not to notice him. Without warning, he took off the left plug of my earphone and put it in his ear.

"So you listen to The Maine, huh? Cool," I was a bit embarrassed by his remark. Black Butterflies and Deja Vu continued to play. I didn't look at him, and just stared at my book even though I have stopped reading.

He just sat there, sharing my earphones and listening to my music. After The Maine, Boys Like Girls started playing. And it got even more uncomfortable for me. Two is Better than One was playing. I suddenly became conscious.

After a few minutes, he spoke. "It's Aster, right?"

My heart felt like it was going to explode. I looked at him and I could tell the anticipation from his eyes. I looked away, intimidated by how intense they looked at me. I flipped a page on my book.


I didn't bother to look at him anymore, I tried my best to look calm outside but because of his presence, my insides were screaming. He must have felt the tension I have for him, so he chuckled.

"You're a quiet girl, that's for sure."

The bell rang, indicating that lunch time is over. He removed the earphone from himself and plugged it back in my ear. I felt a quick bolt of electricity run through my spine as his fingers brushed my ear.

He went back to his seat, not saying a word. And our classmates started coming in from outside. Our Physics teacher discussed something but I couldn't seem to pay attention. I just stared at Roman and I felt myself doze off. When I looked at my table, I saw a note I didn't notice before.

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