Story 3; Lividcoffee, Possessed

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Duncan's pov-

I hated the way that people at yoglabs talked to me. It was like I was they're own personal slave. Drown to do their work while they just sit on their lazy asses all say long. But... that all changed when I got Lalnable. My... partner in evil. He's the... hahaha... Hahahahah... Ahahahahahahaha... evil. Insane side of me. Hahaha. He sometimes- hahaha- makes me laugh insanely for no reason at all. At first I hated him. But then... the more he took over my body... the Moreno. Began to realize that... Ahahahahahahaha. Lalnable is my friend. Ahahahahahahaha Hahaha! Now... now I can have my fun when ever I please. Like that one time when... Lalnable ate all 103 staff members at yoglabs. Mmm. Delicious. Oh. Ahahahahahahaha. And that one time where... Hahahahahahahah... Lalnable and I fooled Kim by putting Lalnable's lab in the basement of our castle? Ahahahahahahaha Hahaha haha! Ah... what good times we had together. But... Lewis and Simon ruined EVERYTHING! They locked us up in a world of our own for three and a half years. THREE AND A HALF YEARS! STUCK IN DARKNESS AND AND GROWING MORE AND MORE INSANE THE MORE YOU'VE BEEN THERE!?!?! No... they never understood what it felt like to be possessed. It's a blessing. A gift on Christmas... Ahahahahahahaha ahahahahahahaha! A gift that I'd concider... Ahahahahahahah. A miracle. Ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahaahahahahahahhahahahahahahaha

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