Shot With A Sniper Rifle and Buried In Yo Grandma's BackYard

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So I was challengged by Raven_Foxx to do this challenge...? I don't really know what it's about but I'll try it anyway.

You have to put the rules with the challenge, and the person who tagged you cannot be tagged back.
You cannot refuse the challenge unless you have been challenged before and you have one week to upload it to one of your books. It cannot be on your home page or put into a comment section or anything like that.
I have to say 13 things about myself then tag 13 and the title must be creative! Alrighty, here I go.

1: At one point in my life I used to have about seven or eight colors in my hair. I can name them all too! Brown, red, blue, green, white, blonde, and pink. I waz a very colorful child then.

2: On September 23rd 2015 I stubbed my toe whilst getting out of bed and screamed: HOLY FOURTH OF JULY WIENER ROST! That was my favourite saying for the next year.

3: When I first had to wear glasses I got to school and everyone then started calling me Grandma Aly... I was everyone's grandma til they found out of my other nickname.

4: I once almost cut my finger of whilst chopping up some carrots a couple of months back because a bird flew into the kitchen window and it scared the living shit out of me. No joke.

5: My cat and I were on the couch and she scared me because the door was open and I couldn't see her. Turns out she was hiding in my shirt... I was wearing an orange shirt that day... she's orange... don't judge me...

6: My friends and I during the last month of school decided to make stripper names for one another! Mine was proudly Lord Sparklebottom!

7: Everyone now calls me the Door Magnet... because everywhere I go I either walk into a door or a wall or a tree or a pole... I walk into a lot of things.

8: My favoirite word is Kincuddled... I made it up so don't bother looking for it in the dictionary.

9: I go to about three Blue Jays games every year, because I am Canadian and from Niagara Falls, and since three years ago we haven't seen them win... hopefully they'll win when we see them on September 10th when they face the Detroit Tigers.

10: My room used to be a very bright pink until we coated it with four coates of red paint... it was very embarrassing for a while... people still taunt me about it...

11: I once brought my youngest dog Gibbs into the pool and I hovered him above the water. As he kicked his legs I swam him around the pool. He thought he was swimming so he tried to turn hinself... it was really funny.

12: I once bit my lip so bad that it swelled up my entire mouth and I couldn't talk right... literally three days ago this happened again and I'm still having troubles speaking.

13: My real name is Alyssa Mackenzie Noble and I am 14 years of age. Anyone trying to stalk me will be shot with a sniper rifle then buried in the backyard of your grandmother. I'm just kidding guys.

They're ya go! 13 facts about me! Woot woot! God now I have to tag a bunch of you fuckers? Lol.


Remember the rules friends and have fun!

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