Sneek Peek

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Enjoy this seek peek of a new book that's coming out soon.

Pitter Patter

The rain drizzled down from the blackened night sky, clouds of thunder rolling in from above the treetops. The sounds of winds rattling the trees fill the deadly silent forest. All but that could be heard.

Pitter Patter

A sudden roar of footsteps rushed past, a red cloak flowing behind the runner as his emerald eyes glinted in the slight moonlight that broke through from the storm.

Pitter Patter

Men in knights armor chased the man cloaked in red, shouting vulgar things at him as he ran. The man just smiled, clutching a stolen artifact greatly within his grasps. There was no surrender.

Pitter Patter

Sadly, his running came to an end, as he was cornered within an angle of a cliff. Not daring to stare at them, the knights drew their swords and aimed them at tue defenseless man.

Pitter Patter

"We've got him where we want him!"

Pitter Patter

"Surrender now and you wont be hurt!"

He didn't need to surrender. Not now. He knew how to get out of this, and it requires it his magic. His fist, to be precise.

Pitter Patter

Of course, they wouldn't call him Guude Boolderfist without it

Of course, they wouldn't call him Guude Boolderfist without it------------------------------------

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Elemental Guardians
Coming soon

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