Prompt swap?

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Hey guys Blazzium here and I am back. Now this was requested by RuddiestBubbles. I have to make a story based off of another person's request. So.. enjoy.

It's been to long. Nothing can save me now. This is hell. He'll I tell you. I've been away from Pak for 4 and a half months now, without seeing his face. I can't take it much longer. I sat in my bunker and grabbed my journal.

January 17th, 2015.
0200 hours.

I miss his dearly. Sometimes it think sour him when I sleep. Nothing would be better then getting out of this hell hole. But the general had ordered me back, and is can not say no. We leave in a few days to go to Korea. If I die, I die.


I sat my journal beside my bed and layed down. The beds there were rock solid. Unlike the one back in Pak's place. But.. I must fight. I can not give up on life, on myself. Or on the person I love most. Pak.

I was awoken by the sirens of the general. It was time to leave. I sighed and grabbed my rifle and marched out of barrack. I stood beside my other comrades, waiting for our orders. The General ordered me and a few others onto the plane, and the pilot gave the General a thumbs up, ready to go. For three days we have been on the plane. And all that time I was thinking about Pak and how we could be together again. Just him and me. Then, I was cut off gaze by the general shouting us into battle as the plane landed. I grabbed my rifle and rushed out towards a barrier my team had set.

"Blame! We need assistance!" The general shouted. I looked over and saw one of the captains shot, amd was bleeding tromendously. I ran over while ducking my head, and placed a hand where the wound was. The captain was going to die if I didn't do something. Soon.

"What's the condition?" The general asked me. I wiped the sweat off my brow as I covered the wound. Thankfully, the bleeding stopped quickly.

"Qll good General. He should get back though. He is in no condition to fight." Then, we heard more rifles firing, and bullets fired over our heads. Then, we heard nothing. I peeked my head over, and that was the greatest mistake of my life. All of A sudden, and unbarable pain coursed through me, and I went down. I could hear many things, before I blacked out.

I awoke in much pain, and a nurse by my side. Was I dead?

"Mr Blame T Controller, you are very much wounded. The general would like to speak with you. If that is alright." The nurse told me. She knew full name. I nodded slowly. She got up, and in comes the general.

"Blame. That was one hell of a risk you took. Even though we all thought it was going to be your last. We are letting you go home due to ingeries, but not for a few days. We will however, let you write are letter tl your charished one. What's his or her name?" The general asked me. I leaned forward slowly.

"His name is Pak sir. And thank you." I saluted, and grabbed a sheet of paper and a pen.

Dear Pak;

I am finally coming home. After so long, I can finally see you again. We'll be happy once more, and I promise, I won't leave your side again. I won't be back for a little bit, oh. And I can't wait to see the other Mindcrack guys again. Especially Nebs. I remember the fun time we had at Pax! I will see you there lovey.


I handed it to the general, and he smiled.

"BlameTC, you have been dismissed." I can't believe it. After god only knows how long, I will finally once again be happy. I'm going home.

Hey guys Blazzium here and i hoped you enjoyed that. Now,  if you want to know who did this, go to RuddiestBubbles book of wonders and look for the name login or something. Don't yell at me if I wrong. Do yeah, peace out Blazes!

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