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~TeamSMS thinks they can outrun TeamAdoribolical. Well... they are wrong. I have been hiding some tricks up my sleeve, and now... I shall reveal them to you.. now~

I walked innocently back towards our house, picking Daisies and Orchids on my way. You know... I never knew Z's favourite flower, but... I guess I shall know now. I was about a few dimension portals away from out Humble Aboad when I caught the faint feeling of a, knot in my stomach.

'Maybe... maybe it'll just... go away...' I thought to myself. I kept walking towards one of the last portals leading to the house, but that feeling.... it just wouldn't disapate. I sighed and moved through the last portal, and I saw something I was terrified to see.

"N-No......" everything in Z's house was destroyed, flames, blood everywhere. I ran up to it, and sighed, seeing there was no hope. Unless...

"Maybe he went to my place." I got excited and stopped briefly in front of the petal,  before looking back into the debris which was once Z's, and I saw something gold in there. It didn't bother me at the time. I ran through and knocked anyone out of the way that just happened to be unfortunate enough to. Like the B-Team, and Arkas... I was an absaloute mess.... I ran to where the main railcar system was and I quickly hopped into mine, pushing the wooden button harder then I should've. The cart activated and I was rushed along the track, towards my nether portal leading to home.

Getting close I could feel that exact same feeling when entering the last portal... defeat. Sorrow. Depression. Loss...... I shook it off once more and the car urged to a stop, making me fall out of the cart. I sighed and dusted myself off, running into the portal. I appeared out of it and I could smell the faint drift... of blood.... I ran towards my place and stopped for a second, hearing nothing but wind.

"Z! Z where are you?!" I called out. I heard a moan inside of my house and I ran inside, busting in the doors that were once locked. Nothing but silence.

"Z? Z where are you?" I was having a bit of a panic attack, I didn't see him anywhere... but going into the living room, I saw what I thought to be a massacre.


Things were knocked down everywhere and blood trailed in pools on the floor. Blood and flesh splattered onto the walls in a way making me want to barf from the awful smell. Here was a shard of a vase that I has bloodied and had a big of Zombie-pigman on it.... Z... I ran upstairs and followed the blood trail, getting to my bedroom. I looked at the handle of the door, and saw the knob had been busted open.

"Z?" I asked scaresly, afraid for my life and of my boyfriends. I opened the door and walked slowly in, and I almost cried when I saw him. Z was tied up in a chair in the middle of the room, things were scattered everywhere. Pits and pieces of his flesh were ripped off in certain areas, and blood dried on his skin, the chair, and the floor from when his wounds gushed.

"Z....." saw his head down and blood dripped from somewhere on his face. I wondered towards him slowly and pulled his head up. Pale. I felt for a pulse, but I didn't need to.... I already knew he was dead.

"No.... no no no no!" I cried falling onto my knees and putting my hands to my face, trying to hold back the tears. It didn't work. I cried there in front of my once very living boyfriend, and looked up once more and continued. I all of a sudden heard the door shut behind me, and I stopped, putting my head up.

"Why hello there, farlander." I didn't need a experts opinion to tell me that that was Vechs. I turned around to see his cloths. Blood splattered all over the front and the back of his clothes as he brought out his arms and did a pritty little twirl.

"Huh? Like?" Vechs asked me. I got up but was pushed back down onto the floor by Vechs boot. I looked into his eyes and saw the demonic smiled he had placed upon his once very nice smile he had.

"No Vechs..... please..." I pleaded, and Vechs smiled, and crouched in front of me. He lifted up my head and grabbed me and threw me to the bed. He quickly tied my hands to the bed frame and my feet were tied to the end of the bed. I sighed, knowing what's going to happen next. Vechs sat beside me and looked me in the eye.. beautiful...

"You should know what happens..." Vechs said and smiled, motioning towards the-nevermind... he cuddled beside me, mocking the idea that I was unable to move. He got on top of me and I closed my eyes, just letting it happen.
I let out one final groan as Vechs came up beside me, putting a finger to my chest.

"That was fun? Wasn't it?" I growled and Vechs frowned. He brought out a dagger, and slowly moved back on top of me.

"I'm sorry.... *kiss* I couldn't hear you." I sighed and closed my eyes. He took one final kiss, and looked me in the eyes.

"Today....... will be that last day that KurtJMac took his last breath." Vechs moved beside me and regripped the dagger, and pushed It underneath my heart, pain flowing through my body. I felt his stab me more and more, until.... I could only feel the refreshing feel.... of nothing.

~take that TeamSMS. What do you have to say about that?~

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